
the video setup is prgressing quite well, though we're getting in some 
finishing-line stress now, but hopefully we'll have nothing too bad. 

But we wont record+stream any BOFs or similar sessions today and tomorrow, 
because we're busy preparing for DebianDay and DebConf.

But if *you* want to grab a camera and record a BOF you're attending today or 
tomorrow, contact me (or Ben or Tore or), and we'll hand you a camera, a 
tripod and a tape, so you can record it. Then we can later dvgrab that 
recording, encode and publish it. 

This has been done this morning with the "configuration files NG" BoF.

And if you want to help the video team during DebConf, please get in touch 
with pixie (on irc) and tell her you want to help. We need camera operators, 
audio mixers and file reviewers. Thanks! 

(We'll also need help to clean up the room & the stage of whats the hacklab 
now and put stuff in the bags. This is both scheduled for tomorrow, if you 
want to help there, probably get in touch with the frontdesk.)


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