
we need talk coordinators. That are people who announce the speaker and
his talk, moderate the Q&A, etc. Basically those that keep track that
the events are running.

If you want to help feel free to add yourself to

As there is not that much during DebCamp to announce, and it mostly runs
on its own, we will schedule this for DebianDay and DebConf. So the
actual "Scheduling" who coordinates which event/session will be done
during DebCamp.

Actually - I would love if someone steps up and takes the whole
coordination for this into his hands. If not I will do it, but if
someone else gets it rolling - great. Just talk to me, IRC or per
mail. :)

bye Joerg
* wiggy just looking at gforge-inject output
<wiggy> last year I could not run it for months and still not see any new users
<wiggy> it just added 19 new users
<Mithrandir> it's this bloody active new DAM we've managed to get.

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