Steve Langasek dijo [Sat, May 27, 2006 at 02:12:48PM -0700]:
> On Sat, May 27, 2006 at 05:28:35PM +0200, Filippo Giunchedi wrote:
> > Is there a list of official documents (with photos) that we can consider
> > acceptable for a KSP?.  If there's not we definitely need one.
> > However this is rather tricky because the list itself should be 
> > authenticated
> > somehow, with a (gpg)signed photo of the person in charge for it? It seems 
> > clear
> > that having the list somehow authoritative creates a chicken-egg problem.
> Not meaningful.  Individual KSP participants are still free to apply their
> own personal standards for ID verification; attempting to "standardize" them
> likely just means fewer KSP participants in the future.

There is something, though, that I think would be a worthy addition to
future KSPs, if we continue to hold them: Many of us have our photo as
part of our key. Maybe if the printed sheet was not plain-text but
included those photos that are available, it would be at least a
slight improvement?


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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