( This is a question more to the organisation but I wanted to make it publicly
in case somebody wants to discuss it )

After this year's Debconf6 (which I had a lot of fun at, despite some things
that happened there) I think it would be nice if the organisation sent a
questionnaire (sp?) to attendees in order to ask them:

1.- Which talks they attended 
[ For each talk they attended to ]
2.- Rating for the talk 
    (allocated time, quality of content -slides-, interest in the subject...)
3.- Rating for the speaker
    (clarity, knowledge, understanding of the subject...)
[ end for each ]

I'm not sure this was done in previous Debconfs (I have not attended any
since DC3) but I think that might help the organisation in:

- finding discrepancies between those talks people said they would attend
  and those that they ended up attending to
- interest of DDs in a given subject
- quality of DDs giving out talks/worshops (not to bash them but to help
  them improve for future Debconfs)

Would this be possible? Is this something that others might find
interesting? Is anyone working in such a questionnaire?



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