Hello, It is that time of year again: The time of year where you brush up the topics you have been working on for Debian, and decide what do you want to share with our global family!
As you are most probably aware, we will be celebrating DebConf in Busan, South Korea, between July 28 and August 4 this year; before it, we will have our usual DebCamp, between July 20 and 27. Several issues have introduced delays this year. We wanted to open registrations quite earlier, but we can finally announce that... REGISTRATION IS OPEN CALL FOR PAPERS IS OPEN Everybody that wants to attend DebConf24 should register in the DebConf24 website¹, by clicking on "Register" in the profile section (or in the main page's body): ¹ https://debconf24.debconf.org/ If you want to submit a talk or activity proposal, you need to first register as an attendee, then you will be able to submit your proposals. As always, basic registration for DebConf is free of charge for attendees. If you are attending the conference in a professional capacity or as a representative of your company, we kindly ask that you consider registering in one of our paid categories² to help cover the costs of organizing the conference and to support subsidizing other community members. ² https://debconf24.debconf.org/about/registration/ Please keep in mind we encourage eligible individuals to apply for a diversity bursary. Travel, food, and accommodation bursaries are available. More details can be found on the bursary info page³. ³ https://debconf24.debconf.org/about/bursaries/ We know the following dates are somewhat rushed, and apologize for that. Please keep in mind the following dates (further details available⁴): ⁴ https://debconf24.debconf.org/schedule/important-dates/ - 2024.05.01: Contacting the visa team in case the country issuing your passport requires a visa to enter South Korea - 2024.05.08: Last date to apply for a bursary (to request Debian to cover your travel, accomodation or food costs) - 2024.06.07: Last day to register with guaranteed "swag" If your company, university or organization is interested, DebConf24 will also be very happy to accept it as a sponsor! Please contact the DebConf Sponsors team <spons...@debconf.org> or, for further information, visit our "Become a Sponsor" page⁵. ⁵ https://debconf24.debconf.org/sponsors/become-a-sponsor/ Hope to see you all in Busan in July! On behalf of the DebConf24 organization team, - Gunnar Wolf. Links mentioned: ¹ DebConf24 website: https://debconf24.debconf.org/ ² Paid categories for registration: https://debconf24.debconf.org/about/registration/ ³ Bursaries info page: https://debconf24.debconf.org/about/bursaries/ ⁴ Important dates: https://debconf24.debconf.org/schedule/important-dates/ ⁵ Become a sponsor: https://debconf24.debconf.org/sponsors/become-a-sponsor/
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