Meeting Times for Day Trips =========================== All day trips will meet in front of the red building *EARLY* tomorrow morning. We suggest reduced rakia and early bed times.
Hiking tour (tour D): be on 7:30 in front of the red building, the bus leaves at 08:00. Prizren tour (tour E): no bus, you walk from the front of the red building at 09:00. Other tours (tour A, tour B, tour C): be in front of the red building at 8:30, the bus leaves at 09:00. Early Breakfast Tomorrow ======================== Because of the early day trip departures (above), breakfast for tomorrow (and only tomorrow) will be from 07:00 to 09:00. No on-site Lunch tomorrow ========================= Kindly reminder that if you choose the stay-on-site day trip option, you'll need to find your own lunch. Pizzeria Antalya will be closed. We need more COVID-19 heroes! ============================= We have another on-site symptomatic COVID-19 case in quarantine. They need to be regularly fed, so they can stay in isolation. If you're feeling a little less than 100% please put on a mask, get a COVID-19 rapid test from the front desk, and test yourself! Thanks from the Cheesemistress ============================== The Cheesemistress would like to thank all those who contributed to making the Cheese and Wine party, from the shopping assistants, through those who cut the cheese and vegetables, to those who tidied up afterwards. It couldn't have happened without you all!
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