Welcome to DebConf22! In-person lightning talks are back!
Lightning talks are small talks that are 3-5 minutes long. BUT NOT LONGER THAN THAT. Sorry for the yelling, it's been a while, and we're very excited. This year, we have not one, but TWO lightning talk sessions. To submit a talk for either, submit your idea to islightningr...@debconf.org so that we can slot you in. We might get in touch to further co-ordinate so that there's less faffing with laptops and adaptors during the sessions. The first one, a traditional lightning talks session, occurs on Friday, 22 July at 17:00 in Drini. A lightning talk can be technical or non-technical. It could be a talk, a demo, or really whatever you want it to be. The good news is, that even if someone doesn't like it, at least it will be over quickly. So no pressure! Official details: https://debconf22.debconf.org/talks/41-lightning-talks/ THEN! ... We have something special for you. Share your experiences of travelling to DebConf (either this one or a previous one). Pictures are especially nice if you have them! This takes place on Saturday, 23 July at 14:00 in Lumbardhi. Please note that this is not an airline complaints desk, so if you sat next to a smelly toilet for 10 hours on your flight, you have our sympathies, but it doesn't make a very interesting story. Official details: https://debconf22.debconf.org/talks/117-debconf-travelogue/ BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! When 5 minutes simply won't do for your live demo, then there's a live demo session for demos up to 10 minutes. There are only 4 slots available, so if you'd like to reserve a slot for this, act now! It will be on Tuesday, 19 July at 15:00 in Drini. Official details: https://debconf22.debconf.org/talks/114-live-demos/ Thank you for reading, and for preparing awesome content that makes DebConf fun and informative! - -Team Lightning
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