Dear deal.II users and developers, friends of adaptive mesh refinement and 
we are happy to inform you that the abstract process for our upcoming AMR25 
conference is now open at

AMR25 (“Adaptive mesh refinement and applications”) will take place at the 
DLR in Cologne on September 02-04 2025 and discuss all topics related to 
adaptive mesh refinement and adaptivity in general.

At AMR25 we welcome contributions from AMR and related fields, including 
other adaptive methods.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

1.  Dynamic and static AMR algorithms and techniques
2.  Applications of dynamic and static AMR
3.  Time adaptivity
4.  Mesh generation and CAD
5.  Other adaptive methods, such as Partition of Unity methods, X-FEM, 
p-adaptivity etc.

We would be very happy to receive abstracts for talks or posters from you 😊

With kind regards,

Lukas and the AMR25 organizing committee

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