triangulation.clear() removes all data. Apparently, load() requires that 
triangulation already contain a coarse mesh. Therefore clear() cannot work. 
I'll write a small program that demonstrates the issue today.

Would it be to add a line in the implementation of load() which clears the 
buffer? I would argue that if a user calls load(), they intend to load 
different data into that buffer. I still don't understand the structure of 
the triangulation class entirely, so maybe there is some reason that the 
authors want to prevent a data buffer from being used before it is 

But even that word is confusing, since there is no indication that the 
triangulation class has any way to tell the data serializer to 'release' 
the buffer's data. Note that CellAttachedDataSerializer<dim, spacedim> has 
a clear() method which would do what I want.


On Monday, February 17, 2025 at 7:09:44 PM UTC-7 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:

> Nice to see you here on this forum, Jerett! :-)
> > I think that the checkpointing in deal.II probably assumes this process 
> only 
> > happens once, so I may be exceeding the design of the Triangulation 
> class.
> Quite possibly. What happens if you call triangulation.clear() between 
> calls?
> If that doesn't help, can you create a small program that is (i) 
> self-contained, (ii) demonstrates the problem?
> Best
> W.
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wolfgang Bangerth email:
> www:

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