Hi Sudip,

this is the only place in assemble_system() in which you call 

/*std::cout << "Before applying boundary conditions" << std::endl;*/
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dof_handler.n_dofs(); i++) {
  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dof_handler.n_dofs(); j++) { 
    text_output_file << system_matrix(i, j) << " "; 
  } text_output_file << std::endl;
/* std::cout << solution(i) << " " << system_rhs(i) << std::endl;*/

system_matrix is a Sparse Matrix which does not store all elements. You are 
asking for elements in the matrix that do not exist, and the function 
throws an exception.

See also: 


On Monday, August 5, 2024 at 1:57:20 PM UTC+2 sudip...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a code that works fine for one element, but won't compile for even 
> one level of refinement (8 elements). It solves a small deformation problem 
> of elastic compression of a cube of side length 1. The edges of the cube 
> are parallel to the coordinate axes and three of its faces are on the 
> coordinate planes. The code assumes that the Young's modulus, Poisson's 
> ratio and the speed at which the "top" surface of the cube is moving are 
> defined in a parameters.h file.
> I have attached my code to this message. When I try to refine the mesh 
> (say 8 elements) I get the following message from the compiler 
> --------------------------------------------------------
> An error occurred in line <2014> of file 
> </home/skunda/built-programs/dealii-9.2.0/install/include/deal.II/lac/sparse_matrix.h>
> in function
>     number& 
> dealii::SparseMatrix<number>::operator()(dealii::SparseMatrix<number>::size_type,
> dealii::SparseMatrix<number>::size_type) [with number = double; 
> dealii::SparseMatrix<number>::size_type = unsigned int]
> The violated condition was:
>     cols->operator()(i, j) != SparsityPattern::invalid_entry
> Additional information:
>     You are trying to access the matrix entry with index <0,24>, but this 
> entry does not exist in the sparsity pattern of this matrix.
> The most common cause for this problem is that you used a method to build 
> the sparsity pattern that did not (completely) take into account all of the 
> entries you will later try to write into. An example would be building a 
> sparsity pattern that does not include the entries you will write into due 
> to constraints on degrees of freedom such as hanging nodes or periodic 
> boundary conditions. In such cases, building the sparsity pattern will 
> succeed, but you will get errors such as the current one at one point or 
> other when trying to write into the entries of the matrix.
> Stacktrace:
> -----------
> #0  ./main: dealii::SparseMatrix<double>::operator()(unsigned int, 
> unsigned int)
> #1  ./main: Problem<3>::assemble_system()
> #2  ./main: Problem<3>::run()
> #3  ./main: main
> --------------------------------------------------------
> I am using the following 4 lines to make the sparsity pattern and the 
> system matrix
>     DynamicSparsityPattern dsp(dof_handler.n_dofs(), dof_handler.n_dofs());
>     DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler, dsp);
>     sparsity_pattern.copy_from(dsp);
>     system_matrix.reinit(sparsity_pattern);
> I cannot see the mistake I am making while building the sparsity pattern. 
> Any help is appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Sudip Kunda

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