Do you have gmsh api installed? If you do, there is another function with the same name, where you can specify labels to assign interior manifold ids explicitly, and set the interior boundary id to “-1”. There is an example in the documentation on how to do this. Il giorno 14 giu 2024, alle ore 05:01, 王艺康 <> ha scritto:
I tried to do this, but it was still wrong. I draw the interface of the fluid-solid coupling without imposing any physical labels. It still doesn't pass the Gridin On Friday, June 14, 2024 at 10:28:41 AM UTC+8 wrote:
You should not add Physical Surface("inner wall surface", 776) of interface in gmsh,
This interface can be determined by the step-46, this is the drawback of dealii as I know.
Hello,Sure. I just use GridIN to read the grid.
using namespace dealii; void run() {
Triangulation<3> triangulation; GridIn<3> grid_in; grid_in.attach_triangulation(triangulation);
{ std::string filename = "heart_have_thickness(1).msh"; std::ifstream file(filename); Assert(file, ExcFileNotOpen(filename.c_str())); grid_in.read_msh(file); }
int main() {
Can you provide the GMSH code and a small executable that tries to achieve what you are doing? I can take a look and figure out what is the issue :)
Hollo, I tried your suggestion but dealii still reports an error. I don't think it has anything to do with the grid type, it also errors when I only use Gridin.
Loading a tet mesh works if you set-up your Mapping/FE accordingly, this is a feature we use extensively.
Are you loading a hex mesh or a tet mesh? I don't know if loading a tet mesh works.
Bruno,In fact that's what I did. The error is the same for regenerated meshes entered into dealii. I redrew a simple geometry again without defining any physical information still the same error. I don't understand why this is wrong, if I generate only the fluid-solid coupling interface to the external contour (solid domain) mesh there is no problem, but the same error occurs when I generate only the internal (fluid domain).
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Do you have a geo file that describes the geometry? Can you remove the "Physical Surface" lines in the geo file and regenerate the mesh.
Hello,Thank you very much for your reply. That's what I thought at first, but I was wrong, when I removed the corresponding physical group it was still the same error. I think gmsh automatically sets the coupling interface to solid when drawing the model body mesh, but I don't know how to change it. I didn't learn gmsh deep enough.
Deal.II associates the physical group of a face with a boundary id. You need to remove the physical group that are associated with interior faces.
I drew the model in gmsh but importing to dealii is giving me an error.This step error occurs when importing a model.
The violated condition was: boundary_id != numbers::internal_face_boundary_id Additional information: The input arguments for creating a triangulation specified a boundary id for an internal face. This is not allowed.
Here only a part of the mesh is shown (the outer contour also generates the mesh),the error should occur at the interface of the two bodies, but I don't know how to fix it. This model will be used for fluid-solid coupling, where the interior is the fluid domain and the contours are the solid domain.
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