On 6/1/24 21:24, Tiny Y wrote:
The solution for one of my physical field models is not changing in any way. I made a 2D model before and was able to calculate the results, but when I switched to a 3D model I had the above problem, my mesh was generated with GridGenerator::cylinder_shell(triangulation,1000,r1,r2,160,10), the boundary conditions were applied at r1=0.05 with a temperature of -53°C The boundary condition imposed at r2=0.45 is 0°C, and the initial condition is 0°C. However the temperature is constant at all moments except time=0 when it is zero。图片1.jpg
Tiny Y:
I don't really know what it is that is going wrong without seeing the whole code, but I think that what you are doing in your function that sets boundary ids is to ask whether for a given face center (x,y) you have
  x^2 + y^2 < 10^{-4}*r
Are you sure that there are face centers that satisfy this criterion? Similarly for the other conditions in the following else if blocks. This is where I would start to investigate.
Separately, you could write that condition much simpler as
  if (cell->face(face_number)->center().norm() < 1e-4 * r)


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