Dear all,

Thank you for your always support and help.

I am encountering an issue while solving an eigenvalue problem related to 
the computation of the discrete inf-sup constant for a saddle point 
problem. Specifically, I am solving the following system:

Bt A^-1 B eigenvector = eigenvalue M eigenvector,

where Bt A^-1 B is clearly symmetric and at least semi-positive definite, 
and M is a symmetric positive definite matrix.

The problem arises when comparing the inf-sup constants obtained using 
Matlab and dealii (solving on the same mesh ):

   1. Matlab: Using the "eig" solver, the inf-sup constant decays to zero 
   as the mesh is refined.
   2. deal.II: Using the "ArpackSolver", the inf-sup constant is bounded 
   away from zero.

The discrepancy is puzzling, as both methods should give consistent 
results. To illustrate this issue, I have attached a figure comparing the 
two results and included in this post the two data files obtained from 
Matlab and deal.II.

I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions on what might be 
causing the discrepancy.

Your help is highly appreciated,


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0.25 0.346321
0.125 0.215878
0.0625 0.167721
0.03125 0.153921
0.2500 0.0601
0.1250 0.0162
0.0625 0.0041
0.0312  0.0010

Attachment: inf_sup.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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