
I don't know enough to say whether this is an observation about deal.ii or 
about Mac OSX (or maybe homebrew?), but the compiled binary of step-1 loads 
around 100 system dynamic libraries:

$ DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 ./step-1.release
This includes a bunch of things that seemingly shouldn't be required, such 
as `libAudioStatistics.dylib`, etc.

The reason I care about this is that I think it adds around .25 seconds to 
the application startup time, which is a very minor quality of life hit.

In fact, I can't see how to create a dealii binary that starts in less than 
around a quarter second:
int main() {
    return 0;

add_executable(minimal minimal.cc)

$ time builds/jackc-macos/minimal
builds/jackc-macos/minimal  0.24s user 0.01s system 98% cpu 0.255 total

As I say, I don't understand the issue well enough to know if there is 
anything I or the deal.ii developers can do about it! In any case, 0.25s is 
a very small price to pay for so much functionality and expressiveness.

Thank you,

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