
I am solving a problem in which I use the FE_Nothing class to represent 
variables that do not exist in parts of the physical domain. My domain is 
split into two parts: In the first part, I solve for all three variables 
(I'll call them u1, u2, and u3) and in the second part of the domain I 
solve for u1 and u2 only. 
For my problem, I use two FESystem objects in the parameter file as follows:
*FESystem[FE_Q(1)^3]* for the first part of the domain
*FESystem[FE_Q(1)^2-FE_Nothing^1]* for the second part of the domain.

However, this results in the following assertion error:

*An error occurred in line <2478> of file 
<../deal.II/src/source/fe/fe_system.cc> in function    
dealii::FiniteElementDomination::Domination dealii::FESystem<dim, 
spacedim>::compare_for_domination(const dealii::FiniteElement<dim, 
spacedim>&, unsigned int) const [with int dim = 2; int spacedim = 2]The 
violated condition was:     this->n_base_elements() == 
fe_sys_other->n_base_elements()Additional information:     You are trying 
to use functionality in deal.II that is currently not    implemented. In 
many cases, this indicates that there simply didn't    appear much of a 
need for it, or that the author of the original code    did not have the 
time to implement a particular case. If you hit this    exception, it is 
therefore worth the time to look into the code to    find out whether you 
may be able to implement the missing    functionality. If you do, please 
consider providing a patch to the    deal.II development sources (see the 
deal.II website on how to    contribute).*

But when I changed the first FESystem into:
it worked fine because the number of base elements in both FESystems is now 
the same. My question is then, is this assertion necessary?

Thank you,

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