that's a lot of questions :-)


    On line 313, there is the line “fe.shape_value(i, reference_location)”.
    The “reference_location” is defined from
    “particle.get_reference_location()”. “particle” is an instance of the
    “Particles::Particle” class, and the description of its
    “get_reference_location()” function says: "Return the reference location
    of this particle in its current cell.”

    My question is whether the reference location of the particle in its
    current cell refers to the real coordinates (x, y, z) or the reference
    coordinates (\xi_1, \xi_2, \xi_3) within the cell.

I think you answered your own question: The "reference location" is in the reference coordinate system of the reference cell.


    On line 509, 'cell->minimum_vertex_distance()', where 'cell' is defined by
    'const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators()'. According to the
    documentation, 'cell' should be of type 'active_cell_iterator', because of
    ‘IteratorRange< active_cell_iterator > active_cell_iterators () const’ .
    However, I couldn't find 'minimum_vertex_distance()' as a method of
    'active_cell_iterator' in the manual. What the exact type of 'cell' is and
    how it's able to access 'minimum_vertex_distance()'?

If you go to any page of the deal.II website, for example
there is a search box on the top right. If you type "minimum_vertex_distance" there, it takes you to the class that is a function of.

For this specific case, you may also want to look at


    In the documentation, the FEValues<dim, spacedim> class template requires
    two template arguments, 'dim' and 'spacedim'. However, on lines 227 and
    534, FEValues is instantiated with only one template argument,
    FEValues<dim>. Similarly, for ‘std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>>
    field_gradients(vertex_quadrature.size())’ on line 536, the Tensor class
    is used with two arguments. ‘fe_values.get_function_gradients(solution,
    field_gradients)’ on line 546 uses field_gradients. but the
    get_function_gradients in the documentaiton is ‘void FEValuesBase< dim,
    spacedim >::get_function_gradients ( const ReadVector< Number > &
    fe_function, std::vector< Tensor< 1, spacedim, Number > > & gradients )
    const’ , the Tensor template appears to require three arguments.

    Why there is a discrepancy in the number of template arguments used in
    these instances?

Most classes in deal.II that have both dim and spacedim template arguments are declared like
  template <int dim, int spacedim=dim>
  class FEValues;
That is, spacedim=dim is the default.


    In the inheritance diagram, what does the dashed yellow line represent?


I don't actually know. Perhaps the doxygen documentation describes it? Doxygen is the tool we use to generate these pages.


    In the 'Result' section of tutorial step-19, there's a simulation video.
    How can I create a similar animation, and what does the deep blue curve
    line in it represent?

I believe that this video describes this:


    In the ”make_grid()” function, four different boundary IDs are assigned to
    the boundaries. Is there a way I can visualize these boundaries in
    ParaView or VisIt, so that I can verify if the boundaries are set correctly?

Take a look at the entry for "Boundary indicator" in the glossary:


    When running code in deal.II, is there a way to enable a debug mode
    similar to MATLAB or other IDEs? I'd like to execute the code line by line
    starting from the main function, understand the program's logic, and check
    the values of parameters (e.g., vertex_quadrature.size()). This would help
    me gain a deeper understanding of what the program does.

This is what a "debugger" is there for:

Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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