Hello everyone,

I am quite new to dealii and FEM field in general, so apologies if my 
questions seems trivial.

In an effort to understand linearized elasticity, I was comparing FEM 
solution of step-8 (after changing the mesh to cantilever beam of the below 
specs) to euler-bernouli static beam deflection ode Euler–Bernoulli beam 
theory <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%E2%80%93Bernoulli_beam_theory>.

Mesh : 
- slender rod of length 0.15 m (length is direction of x )
- square cross-section (0.0025x0.0025) (yz direction in which the origin is 
the center of the square), 
- fixed at x=0, free at x = 0.15.
- mesh resolution in x, y and z is 1000,1,1 respectively.

 I noticed that when I use linear shape functions with an increasing mesh x 
resolution, the solution seems to approach euler-bernoulli ode solution. 
however, when I use higher order shape functions, fem solution do not 
converge as the linear shape function case.

I suspect that maybe it is due to the missing boundary values on the free 
end (e.g 2nd derivative = 0). how would that apply in the context of 
linearized elasticity in 3d and dealii framework?

I would also be grateful if I am pointed at the correct direction if this 
line of thinking is incorrect.

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