Thanks. That makes sense.

By the way: How do you handle multithreading at one level of the library 
interfering with multithreading in another?
For instance, blas using its own thread scheduling...

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 9:37:35 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> In step-3, the user assembles the matrix by writing its own for loop and 
> so it's not multithreaded. To use multithreaded assembly, you need to use 
> mesh_loop like in step-16 for example. 
> deal.II own functions are sometimes multithreaded sometimes they aren't. 
> Usually if someone (most often a developer) will get a significant speedup 
> by multithreading a function, then the function is multithreaded. Since we 
> are not keeping track of which functions are multithreaded and which ones 
> are not, I cannot tell you what's multithreaded in step-3. The solver is 
> multithreaded, maybe some other functions are multithreaded too, maybe not.
> Le mer. 13 mars 2024 à 11:56, Petr Krysl <> a écrit :
>> Btw: the assembly does NOT appear to be multithreaded. Only the CG 
>> solve...
>> On Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 8:17:16 AM UTC-7 Petr Krysl wrote:
>>> Oh, wow! You must be doing a great deal of checking in debug mode!!!
>>> All fixed now:
>>> pkrysl@firenze:~/dealii-9.5.2/examples/step-3$ time 
>>> DEAL_II_NUM_THREADS=1 ./step-3
>>> Number of active cells: 1048576
>>> Number of degrees of freedom: 1050625
>>> Sparsity: 0.496119
>>> As!sembly: 0.741549
>>> DEAL:cg::Starting value 0.00390244
>>> DEAL:cg::Failure step 1000 value 4.73155e-07
>>> terminate called after throwing an instance of 
>>> 'dealii::SolverControl::NoConvergence'
>>> But: the sparsity pattern is definitely not negligible compared to the 
>>> overall assembly time!
>>> On Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 8:03:50 AM UTC-7 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, something is strange. Are you running in release mode? deal.II is 
>>>> a lot slower in debug mode because of all the asserts we have. Can you try 
>>>> `make release` in the step-3 directory. We actually use step-3 as one of 
>>>> our performance benchmark using 2 threads. As you can see here 
>>>> <>,
>>>> the assembly takes 0.6 second.
>>>> Le mer. 13 mars 2024 à 10:48, Petr Krysl <> a écrit :
>>>>> Something is very wrong. I checked with my own code on the same 
>>>>> machine: 
>>>>> heat equation with 1M quads, the conductivity matrix 
>>>>> is completely assembled in 1.9 seconds. The dealii mesh is smaller, 
>>>>> and just the sparsity pattern takes 3x as long.
>>>>> And this can't be multithreading, can it?
>>>>> On Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 6:56:57 AM UTC-7 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I agree, in that case it's not negligible. Be aware that by default 
>>>>>> deal.II is multithreaded, so if you ran deal.II without explicitly 
>>>>>> disabling multithreading or forcing deal.II to use a single core, the 
>>>>>> code 
>>>>>> was using all the cores available when it could. 
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Bruno
>>>>>> Le mer. 13 mars 2024 à 00:46, Petr Krysl <> a 
>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>> Here is a data point: 
>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>> pkrysl@firenze:~/dealii-9.5.2/examples/step-3$ make
>>>>>>> Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target step-3
>>>>>>> [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/step-3.dir/
>>>>>>> [100%] Linking CXX executable step-3
>>>>>>> [100%] Built target step-3
>>>>>>> pkrysl@firenze:~/dealii-9.5.2/examples/step-3$ time ./step-3
>>>>>>> Number of active cells: 262144
>>>>>>> Number of degrees of freedom: 263169
>>>>>>> Took: 5.520668
>>>>>>> DEAL:cg::Starting value 0.00779724
>>>>>>> DEAL:cg::Convergence step 583 value 7.44264e-09
>>>>>>> real    1m2.503s
>>>>>>> user    4m45.171s
>>>>>>> sys     0m2.427s
>>>>>>> pkrysl@firenze:~/dealii-9.5.2/examples/step-3$
>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>> I measured
>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>> clock_t start, end;
>>>>>>>   start = clock();
>>>>>>>   DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler, dsp);
>>>>>>>   end = clock();
>>>>>>>   printf("Took: %f\n", (float)((end - start) / 
>>>>>>> (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>> 5.5 seconds of sparsity pattern construction compared to
>>>>>>> 62 seconds of total run time is definitely not negligible, wouldn't 
>>>>>>> you agree?
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 7:29:49 PM UTC-7 Petr Krysl wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thank you. I have actually no complaints about the performance. 
>>>>>>>> I just want to know what is going on in deal.ii for a paper I am 
>>>>>>>> working on.
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 6:59:19 PM UTC-7 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> If building the sparsity pattern is the bottleneck in your code, 
>>>>>>>>> feel free to open an issue and we can take a look at how we can 
>>>>>>>>> improve it. 
>>>>>>>>> Though if the assembly of the matrix is performance critical, using 
>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>> MatrixFree class is the way to go.
>>>>>>>>> Bruno
>>>>>>>>> Le mar. 12 mars 2024 à 20:38, Petr Krysl <> a 
>>>>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>>>>> In Matlab calling sparse() is equivalent to building a sparsity 
>>>>>>>>>> pattern (just forget about the actual values)
>>>>>>>>>> from the I, J row and column indices. And that is NOT a 
>>>>>>>>>> negligible expense. It is a sizeable fraction of
>>>>>>>>>> the cost of building a Laplacian matrix on triangles, for 
>>>>>>>>>> instance.
>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 2:46:07 PM UTC-7 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I am not sure why but I need to approve all of your messages. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Usually we only need to approve the first time someone posts. Not 
>>>>>>>>>>> sure 
>>>>>>>>>>> what's going on here.
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't remember how long the computation of the sparsity 
>>>>>>>>>>> pattern took but it was small. The reason this part is not 
>>>>>>>>>>> parallelized in 
>>>>>>>>>>> deal.II is because nobody found out that this was a bottleneck. If 
>>>>>>>>>>> you fill 
>>>>>>>>>>> your matrix with ones, you probably want the sparsity pattern 
>>>>>>>>>>> computation 
>>>>>>>>>>> to be multithreaded. However, if you are assembling a mass matrix 
>>>>>>>>>>> on a 
>>>>>>>>>>> non-uniform mesh, you have so much more work to do that it doesn't 
>>>>>>>>>>> matter 
>>>>>>>>>>> if you build your sparsity pattern in serial. In theory, I agree 
>>>>>>>>>>> everything 
>>>>>>>>>>> should be multithreaded but in practice, it has not been worth the 
>>>>>>>>>>> effort 
>>>>>>>>>>> so far. If the performance of the assembly is really critical, you 
>>>>>>>>>>> should 
>>>>>>>>>>> use the MatrixFree class instead of building a matrix.
>>>>>>>>>>> Bruno
>>>>>>>>>>> Le mar. 12 mars 2024 à 17:22, Petr Krysl <> a 
>>>>>>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>> That is a good point about  Tpetra: I will check it out.
>>>>>>>>>>>> >  SparsityPattern is usually extremely fast 
>>>>>>>>>>>> It can still become a bottleneck, provided everything else runs 
>>>>>>>>>>>> in parallel. ;-)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Which reminds me: I wanted to ask you about the WorkStream 
>>>>>>>>>>>> paper: The sparsity pattern computation was not reported.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you tell me how expensive it was compared to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> sequential assembly of the matrix?
>>>>>>>>>>>> For linear problems, both the sparsity pattern computation and 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the computation of the entries need to be done.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, It does not really help if the computation of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> entries is run in parallel, when the sparsity pattern is done in 
>>>>>>>>>>>> serial.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Isn't that right?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 12:08:29 PM UTC-7 
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In Trilinos, the Tpetra library has Graph which is basically a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SparsityPattern. Tpetra uses Kokkos (which abstracts 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> multithreading and GPU 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> support) everywhere so I would expect that they use Kokkos to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> build the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graph too. Multithreading for dealii's SparsityPattern is not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> planned so 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> far. It could be done but building the SparsityPattern is usually 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> extremely 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fast compared to the rest of the code and so, it's not worth 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bruno
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Le mar. 12 mars 2024 à 14:17, Petr Krysl <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks, that is a helpful confirmation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Would you know if there is any multithreading sparsity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pattern computation available anywhere?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is something like this planned for dealii?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 10:39:22 AM UTC-7 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SparsityPattern is used for deal.II own matrices which do 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not support MPI. As far as I can tell, SparsityPattern does not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> multithreading and I don't think adding elements is threadsafe. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So you are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bruno
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 12:58:37 PM UTC-4 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It would appear that the sparsity pattern is not (and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot be) computed in parallel. That is my reading of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code. Am I wrong?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
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