Dear Wolfgang,

Thank you for your response. That is exactly what I am trying to do via the
deserialize function. I build an object of the desired derived type (based
on the derived type data archived during the call to serialize()) and then
assign it to the pointer at the receiving end. But the problem is that the
deserialize function is never called by boost. I am not sure what hint it
needs so as to call the deserialize function. Also, interestingly boost
does not call both serialize() or deserialize() during the call to
dealii::Utilities::unpack() but it does call serialize() during the call to

Any clues on how to achieve this would be really helpful.

Best regards,

On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 5:40 PM Wolfgang Bangerth <>

> On 3/5/24 07:46, Paras Kumar wrote:
> >
> > Within the context of an MPI parallel code, I need to broadcast the
> > ConstitutiveParameters struct which contains std::unique pointer to the
> base
> > class StrainEnergyFuncParameters; cf. MWE file.
> >
> > Using the ideas  discussed in the post
> >, the
> code
> > works fine if the members are concrete derived classes since there the
> > serialize function is enough. However, I get segmentation fault during
> the
> > unpack() call since the deserialize() function is not called.
> >
> > Running the attached MWE would explain the issue.
> >
> > Could someone please help in understanding how I could solve this issue?
> Yes, this can't work :-) In essence, you are packing up a pointer (=an
> address
> into memory space) on machine A, and unpack it on machine B. But on
> machine B,
> nothing useful is likely going to be stored at the location of the memory
> address at which there was a useful object on machine A, and so when you
> access the data stored at that location, you should not expect anything
> good
> to happen.
> You need to find a way to serialize/deserialize the data pointed to, not
> the
> pointer itself.
> Best
>   W.
> --
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