On 2/26/24 00:15, Javier Almonacid wrote:
1) Use the cell quadrature points to reconstruct a finite element function
defined on the cell.
2) Take the trace of this function along the boundary face.
3) Evaluate it at face quadrature points.
Any thoughts on how to implement this?
There are functions in namespace FETools that allow you to do things such as
the projection in the first step:
Specifically, the functions that start with
You would then use the output of these functions to call
with a DoFHandler object that described the finite element field you're
projecting onto, along with a solution vector.
The second and third step can then be done using FEFaceValues.
I believe that it's possible to avoid the detour via a global DoFHandler and
work entirely locally on a single cell if you call the
FEFaceValues::get_function_values() functions that only take a local vector
(rather than putting the local vector you get from the FETools functions into
a global vector), but that may be a bit harder to achieve.
Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.edu
www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/
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