This may be of interest to graduate students and postdocs who use deal.II
or other high performance computing applications. There are youtube videos
online of past ATPESC events if you would like to learn more about the
topics that are covered.

Disclaimer: I am not on the admissions committee for ATPESC and cannot help
you get accepted to the program. I am simply an HPC developer who wants to
spread the word.

*From:* Argonne Leadership Computing Facility <>
*Sent:* Thursday, February 29, 2024 12:30 PM
*Subject:* ATPESC Application Deadline Extended!

ATPESC Deadline Extended to March 10
[image: ALCF_ATPESC Image 640]

The application deadline for the annual Argonne Training Program on
Extreme-Scale Computing has been *extended to March 10, 2024. *

Set to take place July 28-August 9, 2024, ATPESC provides intensive
training on the key skills, approaches, and tools to design, implement, and
execute computational science and engineering applications on current
high-end computing systems and the leadership-class computing systems of
the future.

*Submit your application by March 10* for an opportunity to learn the tools
and techniques needed to carry out computational science on the world's
most powerful supercomputers. ATPESC participants will have access to DOE’s
leadership-class systems at the ALCF, OLCF, and NERSC


Renowned scientists and leading HPC experts will serve as lecturers and
guide the hands-on training sessions. The core curriculum will cover:

   - Computer architectures
   - Numerical algorithms and mathematical software
   - Software productivity and sustainability
   - Data analysis, visualization, I/O, and methodologies for big data
   - Performance measurement and debugging tools
   - Machine learning and data science


Doctoral students, postdocs, and computational scientists interested in
attending ATPESC can review eligibility and application details on the

There are no fees to participate in ATPESC. Domestic airfare, meals, and
lodging are also provided. *Application deadline: March 10, 2024.*

*ATPESC** is supported by the DOE Office of Science Advanced Scientific
Computing Research Program.*

[image: twitter]
[image: US Department of Energy Office of Science]
[image: Argonne Leadership Computing Facility]

*Argonne Leadership Computing Facility*
9700 South Cass Avenue, Lemont, IL 60439

[image: GovDelivery logo]

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