Dear deal.ii community, I've had relative success running the parallel::fullydistributed, but now I've encountered some strange preconditioner/solver behavior.
I am running a solid-mechanics job where I import a large mesh and run using parallel fullydistributed with MPI. I had been trying to run my job using a CG solver with the BoomerAMG preconditioner (based on the example in step-40). I ran my mesh with 116,000 nodes and the solver took about 700 seconds and used around 18GB of RAM. I then tried to run another version of the same problem with a finer 1.5M node mesh. This one never finished because it's memory requirements exceeded the resources of my small cluster. Eventually, I decided to test out some different solvers and preconditioners. I switched the preconditioner to Jacobi and suddenly the 116k job ran in 40 seconds and only needed ~4GB of memory. I was quite surprised by this. I thought that Jacobi was the bare minimum of a preconditioner and that the AMG would be better suited for this job. So, I'm curious if you have any thoughts on why my job might be reacting this way: a 20x speed-up and a 5x reduction in memory requirements. - Maybe it's because my mesh is generated externally and not refined using the deal.ii mesh refinement approach? - Maybe it's related to the use of p:f:t instead of p:d:t? - Maybe I have some issue with my PETSc install? - Maybe I didn't properly set the parameters for the AMG preconditioner? I have limited understanding of solvers and preconditioners, so I am trying to learn more about them. I'd appreciate any input you may have. Best regards, Alex On Friday, December 22, 2023 at 10:13:55 AM UTC-5 Alex Quinlan wrote: > Thanks for your response, Wolfgang. > > Your last sentence seems to be my solution. I was planning to use > parallel::fullydistributed due to the large sizes of my imported meshes > (per a suggestion on a previous post of mine: > ) > > I wanted to run parallel:distributed primarily to compare with > parallel::fullydistributed. I was also planning to use the approach in > dealii/tests/fullydistributed_grids/copy_distributed_tria_* to convert a > p:d:t into p:d:f. > > But now, I will proceed by skipping the comparison and by using the > approach in dealii/tests/fullydistributed_grids/copy_serial_tria_*, > starting with parallel:shared:triangulation and then building the p:f:t off > of that. This allows me to side-step bug-7428 and to import a simplex mesh. > > Best regards, > Alex > > On Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 8:26:04 PM UTC-5 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote: > >> >> Alex: >> >> You've hit on one of those bugs that every once in a while someone trips >> over, >> but that nobody really ever takes/has the time to fully debug. For sure, >> we >> would love to get some help with this issue, and the github bug report >> already >> contains a relatively small test case that should make debugging not too >> painful. The right approach is likely to use this test case, see what >> inputs >> deal.II is calling p4est's mesh creation routine, and then generate a >> stand-alone test case that only uses p4est to trigger the problem. I >> would >> expect this can be done in 200 or so lines. >> >> I believe that at the core of the problem lies a mismatch of what we >> think >> p4est wants, and what p4est really expects. This also illustrates the >> problem >> with debugging the issue: Those of us who know deal.II don't know p4est, >> and >> the other way around. It requires someone willing to create such a >> stand-alone >> test case, and then talk to the p4est folks about why this is wrong. Once >> we >> understand why the input is wrong/unacceptable to p4est, it should be >> relatively straightforward to come up with a way to give p4est what it >> wants. >> The *understanding* of the problem is the key step. >> >> >> > Can you help me out by answering a couple questions? >> > >> > * Is there a work-around for this issue? >> >> No. >> >> > o Is there an alternative to p4est? >> >> In the long run, the p4est people are working on a library called tetcode >> that >> extends p4est. But I don't think any of us have ever tried to see what it >> would take to replace p4est by tetcode. >> >> >> > o Are there modifications I can make to my mesh/program to avoid this >> issue? >> >> Not sure. Absent an understanding of why p4est is upset, any >> modifications >> would just be poking in the dark. >> >> >> > * What would be involved with fixing the bug? >> >> See above. >> >> >> > On a possibly related issue: >> > >> > * What is needed to allow for simplex meshes with >> parallel::distributed? Is >> > this also a connectivity issue? >> >> p::d::Triangulation builds on p4est, which is exclusively for quad/hex >> meshes. >> Switching to tetcode would allow for the use of other cell types as well, >> but >> I don't think any of us have given substantial thought to what such a >> switch >> would require. >> >> There is the parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation class, which I >> *think* >> works with simplex meshes. It is not covered by tutorial programs yet, >> though. >> >> Best >> W. >> >> -- >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Wolfgang Bangerth email: >> www: >> >> >> -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit