Hello again,

Thank you so much for your help. Yes, you're totally right. The lethe code 
is accessible :)

On Friday, 15 September 2023 at 15:04:19 UTC+3:30 blais...@gmail.com wrote:

> Dear Hadi,
> The Lethe code to generate all of these cylinders is fully available only. 
> Might as well just reuse it :)
> Everything starts here:
> https://github.com/lethe-cfd/lethe/blob/master/source/core/grids.cc#L162
> This should help you reproduce these kind of grids
> On Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 11:45:51 a.m. UTC-4 
> hadimor...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I hope you-all are doing okay. Btw I'm new to deal.ii and C++. Actually 
>> I'm trying to generate 3D cylinder-shaped grid, fully structured hex mesh 
>> as depicted in lethe documentation (attached to post). It seems that 
>> refining a 3D hyper_cube would produce the target grids. So I successfully 
>> generated 2D mesh which shaped as a circular surface (attached to post). 
>> Then tried out extruding it, but it comes up that refined mesh is not 
>> allowed to get extruded, according to deal.ii manual. I'm also a bit 
>> confused about setting multiple manifolds to specific faces of the grid. 
>> Honestly I tried a lot, but was not so successful. I'm gonna attach target 
>> mesh images (4 different mesh types) and my 2D generated meshes. If anyone 
>> could provide any help to reach target 3D meshes, it would be greatly 
>> appreciated. 
>> Thank you
>> *grids in lethe documentation:*
>> [image: lethe.PNG]
>> *And here are 2D meshes I generated:*

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