Hi everyone,

I have a problem whereby I must calculate whether points are in a 
neighborhood of some base point (e.g. within some L2 distance). In the bulk 
this is simple, but I'm wanting to impose periodic boundary conditions on 
some of the edges. In this case, it's conceivable that a base point close 
to a periodic boundary would have points on the other side of a periodic 
boundary which are within its neighborhood. Is it possible, in general, to 
calculate the distance (L2 or otherwise) between a base point and another 
point through a periodic boundary? Is this even a well-posed question?

Some additional points: 
* I'm aware of how to do this for a hyper-rectangle (just translate the 
base point by the domain dimensions), but I wonder if this can be done more 
* In finding points in a neighborhood of the base point, I traverse cells 
neighbor-by-neighbor. This gives me a cell on the base-point-side of the 
periodic boundary which is in the neighborhood of the base point, and also 
a connected subdomain between the base point cell and the periodic boundary 
cell. I'm not sure if this helps, but it could simplify the algorithm.
* I am also interested in knowing whether the base point is within some 
distance of a subdomain bounding box, particularly subdomains that are 
connected through a periodic boundary. For this false positives are okay, 
but false negatives are not.

Any help on this is very much appreciated, I'm quite stuck on the general 

- Lucas

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