Hello Deal.ii main developers,

I noticed the webpage for tutorial step-77 here 
(https://www.dealii.org/current/doxygen/deal.II/step_77.html) writes:  "let 
us point out that a version of this program that uses SNES instead of 
KINSOL is available as part of the test suite, in the file 

It seems that there exits a code file with no bugs called step-77-snes.cc. 
I checked a lot on my local computer and I am pretty sure there is no such 
files. Does this file really exists? If yes, could you kindly share me the 
complete code file? 

I am learing Jacobian-free Newton Krylov method, and want to play with 
PETSc(snes) library. Thanks a lot.


Lex Lee

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