On 8/3/23 11:25, Simon Wiesheier wrote:

The reason why I wanted to use an
try/catch block is to surrogate the use of an if-statement.
Consider these two variants:

Variant 1:

catch(dealii::Exception Base exception & )
    Assert(checkSecondRunTimeCondition, ...)
    // do something

Variant 2:

     Assert(checkSecondRunTimeCondition, ...)
    // do something

As you can see, there are two conditions I have to check at every quadrature point.
Clearly, Variant 2 implements an if-requests and is probably not the way to go.

Variant 2 is what I would have done.

Why do you care about the 'if'? Are you worried of the run time overhead? If that's the case, consider the equivalent cost of a 'throw' and 'catch' -- I would not be surprised if that were two order of magnitude more expensive than the 'if'.

1. So with regard to performance, would you prefer Variant 1
(as the try/catch introduces less overhead compared to the if-statement)?

That's something you can test. There is a general rule that even good programmers cannot tell where the bottlenecks of their code are unless they benchmark them. I would suggest writing a small test program that checks these two options!

2. If so, is the call of "disable_abort_on_exception()" good
coding practice or would you refrain from doing so?
In the main function of our program, we have a try/catch with
catch(dealii::ExceptionBase exception &).
Given that, in my opinion  "disable_abort_on_exception()"
should cause any undue behavior.

It's not good practice. As Matthias already pointed out, it doesn't work in release mode. It's a tool we only use in the test suite.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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