Dear everyone, I have trouble understanding in how to evaluate a solution at a given point correctly. Described in Step-3 for example the function point_value is used to evaluate the solution at (0.3, 0.3), and I want to do something quite similar. However, my solution is vector valued (i.e. I use FESystem ), and I get the following error message
>>An error occurred in line <181> of file <./include/deal.II/numerics/vector_tools_point_value.templates.h> in function typename VectorType::value_type dealii::VectorTools::point_value(const dealii::Mapping<dim, spacedim>&, const dealii::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>&, const VectorType&, const dealii::Point<spacedim>&) [with int dim = 2; VectorType = dealii::Vector<double>; int spacedim = 2; typename VectorType::value_type = double] The violated condition was: dof.get_fe(0).n_components() == 1 Additional information: Finite element is not scalar as is necessary for this function However in the documentation it says "Evaluate a possibly vector-valued finite element function defined by the given DoFHandler <> and nodal vector fe_function at the given point point". So I am curious how to evaluate my solution at a few fixed points? Did I miss something? Performance-wise it does not have to be perfect at all, as I want to evaluate only ~400 points on a few hundered solutions (time-steps). Best, Jost -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit