OK. The problem are these 
The number of rows are the sum of the number of DoFs of both attached 

Personally, I would not use these matrix-free operators but create the 
operator myself around a MatrixFree object. Just like in step-75. Would 
that be possible?

Out of curiosity, what is your goal?


On Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 7:38:48 PM UTC+2 sljoh...@gmail.com wrote:

> Here is step-37 with minimal changes. All that was changed was in the 
> creation of a DG DoFHandler and the fe_system and constrains and what not 
> to go along with it. Then of the functions only the LapalceProblem 
> setup_system() function was altered and nothing else. It was just altered 
> to also be reinit with the dof_handler_DG.
> Obviously the LaplaceOperator in my actual code actually uses variables 
> that depend on the DG DoFHandler but that was left out of this example.
> Thank you again so much for your time and for all you guys do for this 
> library.
> Thanks,
> Sean Johnson
> On Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 10:58:53 AM UTC-6 Sean Johnson wrote:
>> Yes of course. I can get one with minimal changes made to step-37. Full 
>> code do you want the entirety of the changed step-37 code or just the 
>> LaplaceProblem class or just the setup_system() function?
>> On Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 10:53:04 AM UTC-6 peterr...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> I'll try to take a look at the issue tomorrow. Could you attach the full 
>>> code. I have a feeling what might be an issue. 
>>> Peter
>>> On Tue, Jun 27, 2023, 18:18 Sean Johnson <sljoh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Okay. Thank you.
>>>> On Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 10:02:16 AM UTC-6 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
>>>>> On 6/27/23 09:53, Sean Johnson wrote: 
>>>>> > I keep seeing other questions getting at least one response. Is 
>>>>> there 
>>>>> > something else that I should provide in addition to the question or 
>>>>> that is 
>>>>> > missing or is there somewhere this question has already been 
>>>>> addressed that I 
>>>>> > cannot find? I am really all ears 
>>>>> Sean, it's all about who has the expertise to answer questions and who 
>>>>> has the 
>>>>> time. I don't know anything about matrix-free stuff, so your questions 
>>>>> require 
>>>>> someone else to have the time and expertise. 
>>>>> Best 
>>>>> W. 
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>>>> Wolfgang Bangerth email: bang...@colostate.edu 
>>>>> www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/ 
>>>>> -- 
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