Hi everyone,

I am trying to get used to deal.ii. I have a problem about the function 
grid in. The error that I get is the following when I try to import the msh 
file defines a mesh around an airfoil. The mesh is surface mesh and it is 
triangular. When I checked mesh file, it works accurately in gmesh but the 
following error comes in deal.ii.

An error occurred in line <2278> of file 
</home/furkan/Downloads/dealii-9.4.2/source/grid/grid_in.cc> in function
    void dealii::GridIn<dim, spacedim>::read_msh(std::istream&) [with int 
dim = 2; int spacedim = 2; std::istream = std::basic_istream<char>]
The violated condition was: 
Additional information: 
    Dimension 685 not equal to 6610.

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