Dear all, 

There is an opening call for a two year post-doc position at the University 
of Parma, Italy within the project TWYRES: a digital twin for fracture and 
fatigue simulations in tyres. 

The broad scope of the work includes: 

— Phase-field formulation for fracture and fatigue in elastomers
— Development of computational tool to simulate the failure modes of 
The nature of work will involve mathematical modelling, development of 
solvers for large-scale systems and demonstration of solver on applications 
of interest. 
A successful candidate would have a strong foundation in solid mechanics 
and finite element analysis along with experience in programming in C/C++. 
Experience with open-source tools such as PETSc, deal.II, libMesh, or 
similar libraries will be viewed favourably. 

Interested candidates can send the cv to francesco.freddi(at)


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