Hi Wolfgang, 

Thanks for the guidance on the pointer.  I have gotten a compiled program 

const FE_Enriched<dim>   fenr;
PotentialFunction<dim> potential;

shElast<dim, spacedim>::shElast()
:fenr( FE_Q<dim>(2),
                       &potential )

However, I am in need of a 3D vector solution. Previously, I have 
successfully used FE_System for non-enriched 3D vector problems, i.e.:

const FESystem<dim,spacedim>   fesys;

shElast<dim, spacedim>::shElast()
:fesys( FE_Q<dim>(2), 3)

How can I go about getting a vector solution with FE_Enriched?  I have 
tried to use vector arguments in FE_Enriched for base elements, enriched 
elements, and enrichment functions, based on the documentation.  I have 
also tried to use FE_Enriched as an argument to FE_System:

const FESystem<dim,spacedim>   fesys;
const FE_Enriched<dim>   fenr;

shElast<dim, spacedim>::shElast()
:fesys( fenr( FE_Q<dim>(2),
                              &potential )
                , 3)

Are either of these directions valid?  I can't tell if I'm failing to use 
the correct syntax or if I'm completely off base with the approach.


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