On 6/9/23 09:14, Mathieu wrote:

I would have to refine the rotated grid roughly seven times to approximate this decoupling accurately.
Unfortunately, I can refine the grid globally at most twice.
Do you have an idea how to capture the above decoupling also at the rotated grid better --
maybe by generating the grid differently?
The input to my grid are four points which represent the minimal bounding box of a set of points in 2d
and the grid should roughly represent this box.

I don't actually understand why you would want to do that. If I understand correctly, then you have a function
  f(x,y) = g(x) + h(x)
which you interpolate or project onto a grid without very specific properties to get
and you observe that f^h is no longer a sum of functions of x and y separately.

What isn't clear to me why that bothers you. If you don't like it, just project g and h to the mesh separately, or even better project them onto 1d meshes. If you have a situation where you are dealing with functions of one argument, treat them as functions of one argument.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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