Hello everyone,

I'm using addition operators on a variable called 'hat_solution' by
  hat_solution.add(1.0, old_solution,timestep, old_vel_solution);
  hat_solution.add(0.5*timestep*timestep*(1.0-2.0*beta),old_acc_solution );
, the above variables are trillinos block vectors, and initialized by
  // Actual solution at time step n
  old_solution.reinit(partition_relevant, mpi_com);
  old_vel_solution.reinit(partition_relevant, mpi_com);
  old_acc_solution.reinit(partition_relevant, mpi_com);

  // hat solution at time step n-1
  hat_solution.reinit(partition_relevant, mpi_com);
On my personal laptop, the code runs well with multiple cores, but there 
was a deadlock  when calling  add() function on a supercomputer. 

I really appreciate if anyone has some thoughts on this issue.


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