hi I modified Step 40 and an error occurred when I called comsol-mphtxt. I compared the read_comsol_mphtxt function to the file and found no error.
- - There is no error when I call the ".inp" file. exception on processing: An error occurred in line <1557> of file </home/dlut/software/dealii/dealii-9.4.1/source/grid/grid_in.cc> in function void dealii::GridIn<dim, spacedim>::read_comsol_mphtxt(std::istream&) [with int dim = 2; int spacedim = 2; std::istream = std::basic_istream] The violated condition was: s == "4 Mesh" -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/ For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.google.com/d/forum/dealii?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to dealii+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/dealii/cb5400c4-c9f8-4d6c-ae1e-5006690742a7n%40googlegroups.com.
Description: chemical/gamess-input
Description: Binary data
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2022 by the deal.II authors * * This file is part of the deal.II library. * * The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute * it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at * the top level directory of deal.II. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Author: Wolfgang Bangerth, Texas A&M University, 2009, 2010 * Timo Heister, University of Goettingen, 2009, 2010 */ // @sect3{Include files} // // Most of the include files we need for this program have already been // discussed in previous programs. In particular, all of the following should // already be familiar friends: #include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h> #include <deal.II/base/function.h> #include <deal.II/base/timer.h> #include <deal.II/lac/generic_linear_algebra.h> // This program can use either PETSc or Trilinos for its parallel // algebra needs. By default, if deal.II has been configured with // PETSc, it will use PETSc. Otherwise, the following few lines will // check that deal.II has been configured with Trilinos and take that. // // But there may be cases where you want to use Trilinos, even though // deal.II has *also* been configured with PETSc, for example to // compare the performance of these two libraries. To do this, // add the following \#define to the source code: // @code // #define FORCE_USE_OF_TRILINOS // @endcode // // Using this logic, the following lines will then import either the // PETSc or Trilinos wrappers into the namespace `LA` (for linear // algebra). In the former case, we are also defining the macro // `USE_PETSC_LA` so that we can detect if we are using PETSc (see // solve() for an example where this is necessary). namespace LA { #if defined(DEAL_II_WITH_PETSC) && !defined(DEAL_II_PETSC_WITH_COMPLEX) && \ !(defined(DEAL_II_WITH_TRILINOS) && defined(FORCE_USE_OF_TRILINOS)) using namespace dealii::LinearAlgebraPETSc; # define USE_PETSC_LA #elif defined(DEAL_II_WITH_TRILINOS) using namespace dealii::LinearAlgebraTrilinos; #else # error DEAL_II_WITH_PETSC or DEAL_II_WITH_TRILINOS required #endif } // namespace LA #include <deal.II/lac/vector.h> #include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h> #include <deal.II/lac/solver_cg.h> #include <deal.II/lac/affine_constraints.h> #include <deal.II/lac/dynamic_sparsity_pattern.h> #include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h> #include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h> #include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h> #include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h> #include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h> #include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h> #include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h> #include <deal.II/numerics/error_estimator.h> // The following, however, will be new or be used in new roles. Let's walk // through them. The first of these will provide the tools of the // Utilities::System namespace that we will use to query things like the // number of processors associated with the current MPI universe, or the // number within this universe the processor this job runs on is: #include <deal.II/base/utilities.h> // The next one provides a class, ConditionOStream that allows us to write // code that would output things to a stream (such as <code>std::cout</code>) // on every processor but throws the text away on all but one of them. We // could achieve the same by simply putting an <code>if</code> statement in // front of each place where we may generate output, but this doesn't make the // code any prettier. In addition, the condition whether this processor should // or should not produce output to the screen is the same every time -- and // consequently it should be simple enough to put it into the statements that // generate output itself. #include <deal.II/base/conditional_ostream.h> // After these preliminaries, here is where it becomes more interesting. As // mentioned in the @ref distributed module, one of the fundamental truths of // solving problems on large numbers of processors is that there is no way for // any processor to store everything (e.g. information about all cells in the // mesh, all degrees of freedom, or the values of all elements of the solution // vector). Rather, every processor will <i>own</i> a few of each of these // and, if necessary, may <i>know</i> about a few more, for example the ones // that are located on cells adjacent to the ones this processor owns // itself. We typically call the latter <i>ghost cells</i>, <i>ghost nodes</i> // or <i>ghost elements of a vector</i>. The point of this discussion here is // that we need to have a way to indicate which elements a particular // processor owns or need to know of. This is the realm of the IndexSet class: // if there are a total of $N$ cells, degrees of freedom, or vector elements, // associated with (non-negative) integral indices $[0,N)$, then both the set // of elements the current processor owns as well as the (possibly larger) set // of indices it needs to know about are subsets of the set $[0,N)$. IndexSet // is a class that stores subsets of this set in an efficient format: #include <deal.II/base/index_set.h> // The next header file is necessary for a single function, // SparsityTools::distribute_sparsity_pattern. The role of this function will // be explained below. #include <deal.II/lac/sparsity_tools.h> // The final two, new header files provide the class // parallel::distributed::Triangulation that provides meshes distributed // across a potentially very large number of processors, while the second // provides the namespace parallel::distributed::GridRefinement that offers // functions that can adaptively refine such distributed meshes: #include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h> #include <deal.II/distributed/grid_refinement.h> //#include <deal.II/grid/grid_in_include_comsol.h> #include <deal.II/grid/grid_in.h> #include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h> #include <deal.II/grid/manifold_lib.h> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> namespace Step40 { using namespace dealii; // @sect3{The <code>LaplaceProblem</code> class template} // Next let's declare the main class of this program. Its structure is // almost exactly that of the step-6 tutorial program. The only significant // differences are: // - The <code>mpi_communicator</code> variable that // describes the set of processors we want this code to run on. In practice, // this will be MPI_COMM_WORLD, i.e. all processors the batch scheduling // system has assigned to this particular job. // - The presence of the <code>pcout</code> variable of type ConditionOStream. // - The obvious use of parallel::distributed::Triangulation instead of // Triangulation. // - The presence of two IndexSet objects that denote which sets of degrees of // freedom (and associated elements of solution and right hand side vectors) // we own on the current processor and which we need (as ghost elements) for // the algorithms in this program to work. // - The fact that all matrices and vectors are now distributed. We use // either the PETSc or Trilinos wrapper classes so that we can use one of // the sophisticated preconditioners offered by Hypre (with PETSc) or ML // (with Trilinos). Note that as part of this class, we store a solution // vector that does not only contain the degrees of freedom the current // processor owns, but also (as ghost elements) all those vector elements // that correspond to "locally relevant" degrees of freedom (i.e. all // those that live on locally owned cells or the layer of ghost cells that // surround it). template <int dim> class LaplaceProblem { public: LaplaceProblem(); void run(); private: void setup_system(); void assemble_system(); void solve(); void refine_grid(); void output_results(const unsigned int cycle) const; MPI_Comm mpi_communicator; parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> triangulation; FE_Q<dim> fe; DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler; IndexSet locally_owned_dofs; IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs; AffineConstraints<double> constraints; LA::MPI::SparseMatrix system_matrix; LA::MPI::Vector locally_relevant_solution; LA::MPI::Vector system_rhs; ConditionalOStream pcout; TimerOutput computing_timer; }; // @sect3{The <code>LaplaceProblem</code> class implementation} // @sect4{Constructor} // Constructors and destructors are rather trivial. In addition to what we // do in step-6, we set the set of processors we want to work on to all // machines available (MPI_COMM_WORLD); ask the triangulation to ensure that // the mesh remains smooth and free to refined islands, for example; and // initialize the <code>pcout</code> variable to only allow processor zero // to output anything. The final piece is to initialize a timer that we // use to determine how much compute time the different parts of the program // take: template <int dim> LaplaceProblem<dim>::LaplaceProblem() : mpi_communicator(MPI_COMM_WORLD) , triangulation(mpi_communicator, typename Triangulation<dim>::MeshSmoothing( Triangulation<dim>::smoothing_on_refinement | Triangulation<dim>::smoothing_on_coarsening)) , fe(2) , dof_handler(triangulation) , pcout(std::cout, (Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(mpi_communicator) == 0)) , computing_timer(mpi_communicator, pcout, TimerOutput::never, TimerOutput::wall_times) {} // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::setup_system} // The following function is, arguably, the most interesting one in the // entire program since it goes to the heart of what distinguishes %parallel // step-40 from sequential step-6. // // At the top we do what we always do: tell the DoFHandler object to // distribute degrees of freedom. Since the triangulation we use here is // distributed, the DoFHandler object is smart enough to recognize that on // each processor it can only distribute degrees of freedom on cells it // owns; this is followed by an exchange step in which processors tell each // other about degrees of freedom on ghost cell. The result is a DoFHandler // that knows about the degrees of freedom on locally owned cells and ghost // cells (i.e. cells adjacent to locally owned cells) but nothing about // cells that are further away, consistent with the basic philosophy of // distributed computing that no processor can know everything. template <int dim> void LaplaceProblem<dim>::setup_system() { TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "setup"); dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe); // The next two lines extract some information we will need later on, // namely two index sets that provide information about which degrees of // freedom are owned by the current processor (this information will be // used to initialize solution and right hand side vectors, and the system // matrix, indicating which elements to store on the current processor and // which to expect to be stored somewhere else); and an index set that // indicates which degrees of freedom are locally relevant (i.e. live on // cells that the current processor owns or on the layer of ghost cells // around the locally owned cells; we need all of these degrees of // freedom, for example, to estimate the error on the local cells). locally_owned_dofs = dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs(); locally_relevant_dofs = DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(dof_handler); // Next, let us initialize the solution and right hand side vectors. As // mentioned above, the solution vector we seek does not only store // elements we own, but also ghost entries; on the other hand, the right // hand side vector only needs to have the entries the current processor // owns since all we will ever do is write into it, never read from it on // locally owned cells (of course the linear solvers will read from it, // but they do not care about the geometric location of degrees of // freedom). locally_relevant_solution.reinit(locally_owned_dofs, locally_relevant_dofs, mpi_communicator); system_rhs.reinit(locally_owned_dofs, mpi_communicator); // The next step is to compute hanging node and boundary value // constraints, which we combine into a single object storing all // constraints. // // As with all other things in %parallel, the mantra must be that no // processor can store all information about the entire universe. As a // consequence, we need to tell the AffineConstraints object for which // degrees of freedom it can store constraints and for which it may not // expect any information to store. In our case, as explained in the // @ref distributed module, the degrees of freedom we need to care about on // each processor are the locally relevant ones, so we pass this to the // AffineConstraints::reinit function. As a side note, if you forget to // pass this argument, the AffineConstraints class will allocate an array // with length equal to the largest DoF index it has seen so far. For // processors with high MPI process number, this may be very large -- // maybe on the order of billions. The program would then allocate more // memory than for likely all other operations combined for this single // array. constraints.clear(); constraints.reinit(locally_relevant_dofs); DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler, constraints); VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values(dof_handler, 0, Functions::ZeroFunction<dim>(), constraints); constraints.close(); // The last part of this function deals with initializing the matrix with // accompanying sparsity pattern. As in previous tutorial programs, we use // the DynamicSparsityPattern as an intermediate with which we // then initialize the system matrix. To do so, we have to tell the sparsity // pattern its size, but as above, there is no way the resulting object will // be able to store even a single pointer for each global degree of // freedom; the best we can hope for is that it stores information about // each locally relevant degree of freedom, i.e., all those that we may // ever touch in the process of assembling the matrix (the // @ref distributed_paper "distributed computing paper" has a long // discussion why one really needs the locally relevant, and not the small // set of locally active degrees of freedom in this context). // // So we tell the sparsity pattern its size and what DoFs to store // anything for and then ask DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern to fill it // (this function ignores all cells that are not locally owned, mimicking // what we will do below in the assembly process). After this, we call a // function that exchanges entries in these sparsity pattern between // processors so that in the end each processor really knows about all the // entries that will exist in that part of the finite element matrix that // it will own. The final step is to initialize the matrix with the // sparsity pattern. DynamicSparsityPattern dsp(locally_relevant_dofs); DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler, dsp, constraints, false); SparsityTools::distribute_sparsity_pattern(dsp, dof_handler.locally_owned_dofs(), mpi_communicator, locally_relevant_dofs); system_matrix.reinit(locally_owned_dofs, locally_owned_dofs, dsp, mpi_communicator); } // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::assemble_system} // The function that then assembles the linear system is comparatively // boring, being almost exactly what we've seen before. The points to watch // out for are: // - Assembly must only loop over locally owned cells. There // are multiple ways to test that; for example, we could compare a cell's // subdomain_id against information from the triangulation as in // <code>cell->subdomain_id() == // triangulation.locally_owned_subdomain()</code>, or skip all cells for // which the condition <code>cell->is_ghost() || // cell->is_artificial()</code> is true. The simplest way, however, is to // simply ask the cell whether it is owned by the local processor. // - Copying local contributions into the global matrix must include // distributing constraints and boundary values. In other words, we cannot // (as we did in step-6) first copy every local contribution into the global // matrix and only in a later step take care of hanging node constraints and // boundary values. The reason is, as discussed in step-17, that the // parallel vector classes do not provide access to arbitrary elements of // the matrix once they have been assembled into it -- in parts because they // may simply no longer reside on the current processor but have instead // been shipped to a different machine. // - The way we compute the right hand side (given the // formula stated in the introduction) may not be the most elegant but will // do for a program whose focus lies somewhere entirely different. template <int dim> void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_system() { TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "assembly"); const QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(fe.degree + 1); FEValues<dim> fe_values(fe, quadrature_formula, update_values | update_gradients | update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values); const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.n_dofs_per_cell(); const unsigned int n_q_points = quadrature_formula.size(); FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix(dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell); Vector<double> cell_rhs(dofs_per_cell); std::vector<types::global_dof_index> local_dof_indices(dofs_per_cell); for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators()) if (cell->is_locally_owned()) { cell_matrix = 0.; cell_rhs = 0.; fe_values.reinit(cell); for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < n_q_points; ++q_point) { const double rhs_value = (fe_values.quadrature_point(q_point)[1] > 0.5 + 0.25 * std::sin(4.0 * numbers::PI * fe_values.quadrature_point(q_point)[0]) ? 1. : -1.); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dofs_per_cell; ++j) cell_matrix(i, j) += fe_values.shape_grad(i, q_point) * fe_values.shape_grad(j, q_point) * fe_values.JxW(q_point); cell_rhs(i) += rhs_value * // fe_values.shape_value(i, q_point) * // fe_values.JxW(q_point); } } cell->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices); constraints.distribute_local_to_global(cell_matrix, cell_rhs, local_dof_indices, system_matrix, system_rhs); } // Notice that the assembling above is just a local operation. So, to // form the "global" linear system, a synchronization between all // processors is needed. This could be done by invoking the function // compress(). See @ref GlossCompress "Compressing distributed objects" // for more information on what is compress() designed to do. system_matrix.compress(VectorOperation::add); system_rhs.compress(VectorOperation::add); } // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::solve} // Even though solving linear systems on potentially tens of thousands of // processors is by far not a trivial job, the function that does this is -- // at least at the outside -- relatively simple. Most of the parts you've // seen before. There are really only two things worth mentioning: // - Solvers and preconditioners are built on the deal.II wrappers of PETSc // and Trilinos functionality. It is relatively well known that the // primary bottleneck of massively %parallel linear solvers is not // actually the communication between processors, but the fact that it is // difficult to produce preconditioners that scale well to large numbers // of processors. Over the second half of the first decade of the 21st // century, it has become clear that algebraic multigrid (AMG) methods // turn out to be extremely efficient in this context, and we will use one // of them -- either the BoomerAMG implementation of the Hypre package // that can be interfaced to through PETSc, or a preconditioner provided // by ML, which is part of Trilinos -- for the current program. The rest // of the solver itself is boilerplate and has been shown before. Since // the linear system is symmetric and positive definite, we can use the CG // method as the outer solver. // - Ultimately, we want a vector that stores not only the elements // of the solution for degrees of freedom the current processor owns, but // also all other locally relevant degrees of freedom. On the other hand, // the solver itself needs a vector that is uniquely split between // processors, without any overlap. We therefore create a vector at the // beginning of this function that has these properties, use it to solve the // linear system, and only assign it to the vector we want at the very // end. This last step ensures that all ghost elements are also copied as // necessary. template <int dim> void LaplaceProblem<dim>::solve() { TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "solve"); LA::MPI::Vector completely_distributed_solution(locally_owned_dofs, mpi_communicator); SolverControl solver_control(dof_handler.n_dofs(), 1e-12); #ifdef USE_PETSC_LA LA::SolverCG solver(solver_control, mpi_communicator); #else LA::SolverCG solver(solver_control); #endif LA::MPI::PreconditionAMG preconditioner; LA::MPI::PreconditionAMG::AdditionalData data; #ifdef USE_PETSC_LA data.symmetric_operator = true; #else /* Trilinos defaults are good */ #endif preconditioner.initialize(system_matrix, data); solver.solve(system_matrix, completely_distributed_solution, system_rhs, preconditioner); pcout << " Solved in " << solver_control.last_step() << " iterations." << std::endl; constraints.distribute(completely_distributed_solution); locally_relevant_solution = completely_distributed_solution; } // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::refine_grid} // The function that estimates the error and refines the grid is again // almost exactly like the one in step-6. The only difference is that the // function that flags cells to be refined is now in namespace // parallel::distributed::GridRefinement -- a namespace that has functions // that can communicate between all involved processors and determine global // thresholds to use in deciding which cells to refine and which to coarsen. // // Note that we didn't have to do anything special about the // KellyErrorEstimator class: we just give it a vector with as many elements // as the local triangulation has cells (locally owned cells, ghost cells, // and artificial ones), but it only fills those entries that correspond to // cells that are locally owned. template <int dim> void LaplaceProblem<dim>::refine_grid() { TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "refine"); Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell(triangulation.n_active_cells()); KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::estimate( dof_handler, QGauss<dim - 1>(fe.degree + 1), std::map<types::boundary_id, const Function<dim> *>(), locally_relevant_solution, estimated_error_per_cell); parallel::distributed::GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number( triangulation, estimated_error_per_cell, 0.3, 0.03); triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement(); } // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::output_results} // Compared to the corresponding function in step-6, the one here is // a tad more complicated. There are two reasons: the first one is // that we do not just want to output the solution but also for each // cell which processor owns it (i.e. which "subdomain" it is // in). Secondly, as discussed at length in step-17 and step-18, // generating graphical data can be a bottleneck in // parallelizing. In those two programs, we simply generate one // output file per process. That worked because the // parallel::shared::Triangulation cannot be used with large numbers // of MPI processes anyway. But this doesn't scale: Creating a // single file per processor will overwhelm the filesystem with a // large number of processors. // // We here follow a more sophisticated approach that uses // high-performance, parallel IO routines using MPI I/O to write to // a small, fixed number of visualization files (here 8). We also // generate a .pvtu record referencing these .vtu files, which can // be opened directly in visualizatin tools like ParaView and VisIt. // // To start, the top of the function looks like it usually does. In addition // to attaching the solution vector (the one that has entries for all locally // relevant, not only the locally owned, elements), we attach a data vector // that stores, for each cell, the subdomain the cell belongs to. This is // slightly tricky, because of course not every processor knows about every // cell. The vector we attach therefore has an entry for every cell that the // current processor has in its mesh (locally owned ones, ghost cells, and // artificial cells), but the DataOut class will ignore all entries that // correspond to cells that are not owned by the current processor. As a // consequence, it doesn't actually matter what values we write into these // vector entries: we simply fill the entire vector with the number of the // current MPI process (i.e. the subdomain_id of the current process); this // correctly sets the values we care for, i.e. the entries that correspond // to locally owned cells, while providing the wrong value for all other // elements -- but these are then ignored anyway. template <int dim> void LaplaceProblem<dim>::output_results(const unsigned int cycle) const { DataOut<dim> data_out; data_out.attach_dof_handler(dof_handler); data_out.add_data_vector(locally_relevant_solution, "u"); Vector<float> subdomain(triangulation.n_active_cells()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < subdomain.size(); ++i) subdomain(i) = triangulation.locally_owned_subdomain(); data_out.add_data_vector(subdomain, "subdomain"); data_out.build_patches(); // The final step is to write this data to disk. We write up to 8 VTU files // in parallel with the help of MPI-IO. Additionally a PVTU record is // generated, which groups the written VTU files. data_out.write_vtu_with_pvtu_record( "./", "solution", cycle, mpi_communicator, 2, 8); //std::ofstream output("solution.vtk"); //data_out.write_vtk(output); } // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::run} // The function that controls the overall behavior of the program is again // like the one in step-6. The minor difference are the use of // <code>pcout</code> instead of <code>std::cout</code> for output to the // console (see also step-17). // // A functional difference to step-6 is the use of a square domain and that // we start with a slightly finer mesh (5 global refinement cycles) -- there // just isn't much of a point showing a massively %parallel program starting // on 4 cells (although admittedly the point is only slightly stronger // starting on 1024). template <int dim> void LaplaceProblem<dim>::run() { pcout << "Running with " #ifdef USE_PETSC_LA << "PETSc" #else << "Trilinos" #endif << " on " << Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(mpi_communicator) << " MPI rank(s)..." << std::endl; GridIn<dim> grid_in; grid_in.attach_triangulation(triangulation); std::ifstream input_file("example.mphtxt"); grid_in.read_comsol_mphtxt(input_file); /* GridIn<dim> grid_in; grid_in.attach_triangulation(triangulation); std::ifstream input_file("circle-grid.inp"); Assert(dim == 2, ExcInternalError()); grid_in.read_ucd(input_file); const SphericalManifold<dim> boundary; triangulation.set_all_manifold_ids_on_boundary(0); triangulation.set_manifold(0, boundary); */ const unsigned int n_cycles = 8; for (unsigned int cycle = 0; cycle < n_cycles; ++cycle) { pcout << "Cycle " << cycle << ':' << std::endl; if (cycle != 0) refine_grid(); setup_system(); pcout << " Number of active cells: " << triangulation.n_global_active_cells() << std::endl << " Number of degrees of freedom: " << dof_handler.n_dofs() << std::endl; assemble_system(); solve(); { TimerOutput::Scope t(computing_timer, "output"); output_results(cycle); } computing_timer.print_summary(); computing_timer.reset(); pcout << std::endl; } } } // namespace Step40 // @sect4{main()} // The final function, <code>main()</code>, again has the same structure as in // all other programs, in particular step-6. Like the other programs that use // MPI, we have to initialize and finalize MPI, which is done using the helper // object Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize. The constructor of that class also // initializes libraries that depend on MPI, such as p4est, PETSc, SLEPc, and // Zoltan (though the last two are not used in this tutorial). The order here // is important: we cannot use any of these libraries until they are // initialized, so it does not make sense to do anything before creating an // instance of Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize. // // After the solver finishes, the LaplaceProblem destructor will run followed // by Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize::~MPI_InitFinalize(). This order is // also important: Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize::~MPI_InitFinalize() calls // <code>PetscFinalize</code> (and finalization functions for other // libraries), which will delete any in-use PETSc objects. This must be done // after we destruct the Laplace solver to avoid double deletion // errors. Fortunately, due to the order of destructor call rules of C++, we // do not need to worry about any of this: everything happens in the correct // order (i.e., the reverse of the order of construction). The last function // called by Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize::~MPI_InitFinalize() is // <code>MPI_Finalize</code>: i.e., once this object is destructed the program // should exit since MPI will no longer be available. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { using namespace dealii; using namespace Step40; Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1); LaplaceProblem<2> laplace_problem_2d; laplace_problem_2d.run(); } catch (std::exception &exc) { std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl << exc.what() << std::endl << "Aborting!" << std::endl << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; return 1; } catch (...) { std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl << "Aborting!" << std::endl << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }