Hi Peter,
I am using deal.ii version 9.4.1. I was wondering why I keep getting the
error message "cellaccessor has no member function
as_dof_handle_iterator", if the current version of dealii already has
On 2023-04-10 17:07, Peter Munch wrote:
Hej Sooraj,
CellAccessor::as_dof_handler_iterator() was added since the 9.3
release. It looks like ExaDG is not compatible with the 9.3. release
but only with master.
I would suggest that you report this at the ExaDG project
(https://github.com/exadg/exadg/discussions) and than we decide if we
want to make ExaDG compatible with 9.3 again.
On Monday, 10 April 2023 at 13:01:32 UTC+2 bha...@iitb.ac.in wrote:
I am trying to install exadg, but it fails with the following error.
error: 'class dealii::CellAccessor<3, 3>' has no member named
121 | face_pair_dof_hander.cell[0] =
error: 'class dealii::CellAccessor<3, 3>' has no member named
122 | face_pair_dof_hander.cell[1] =
I am configuring exadg using
cmake .. -DDEAL_II_DIR=~/computation/deal.II -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON
How can I solve this issue and proceed further? dealii detailed log
file and exadg cmake cache files are attached. Please let me know in
case any additional information is required.
Thank you
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Thank You,
Sooraj Bharan Soman
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