Oh, the error occurs after calling triangulation.refine_global(2);
在2023年3月22日星期三 UTC+8 15:47:47<RUIJIAN LU> 写道:

> Hi everyone, 
> I am a beginner to dealii, now I want to solve an equation on a 
> cylindrical coordinate system. I create a triangulation by cylinder() and 
> use CylindricalManifold for it, but it has some error. How can I do with it?
> error:
> Number dealii::Physics::VectorRelations::signed_angle(const 
> dealii::Tensor<1, dim, Number>&, const dealii::Tensor<1, dim, Number>&, 
> const dealii::Tensor<1, dim, Number>&) [with int spacedim = 3; Number = 
> double]
> The violated condition was: 
>     std::abs(axis * a) < 1.e-12 * a.norm() && std::abs(axis * b) < 1.e-12 
> * b.norm()
> Additional information: 
>     The vectors are not perpendicular to the axial vector.
> code:
>     const Tensor<1, 3> axis({1.0, 0.0, 0.0});
>     const Point<3> axial_point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
>     const CylindricalManifold<3> cylinder(axis, axial_point);
>     GridGenerator::cylinder(triangulation, 2.5, 2.5);
>     for (auto cell : triangulation.active_cell_iterators())
>         cell->set_all_manifold_ids(2);
>     triangulation.set_manifold(2, cylinder);

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