On 3/20/23 12:26, Kumar Saurabh wrote:

I wanted to check if deal.ii has a support for second order tetrahedron meshes. I tried to load the file from GMSH and it gave the error for unsupported element type.

Is it that deal.ii do not support second order tetrahedron from GMSH or do not support second order tetrahedron at all?

for triangles and tetrahedra, mappings are generally implemented by relying in MappingFE. As a consequence, if there is a Lagrange element of polynomial degree p, there is a corresponding mapping of polynomial degree p. Right now, FE_SimplexP is available up to polynomial degree p=2, so quadratic elements should be ok.

Whether or not GridIn can read such meshes is a different question. If you get an error, then the answer is apparently no. But that shouldn't be too hard to fix, and we would be quite happy to accept a patch (and point you in the right direction regarding what needs to be implemented). My suspicion is that it would not take more then 100 lines of code to read these meshes.

The bigger problem with quadratic meshes (which also exists for the case of quadratic quadrilaterals/hexahedra) is that we do not currently have a good way to translate the information encoded by mid-edge nodes into a mapping. If we can read such meshes for quadrilaterals, I suspect that we just ignore the mid-edge nodes and rely on the user's ability to provide a mapping that restores this kind of information.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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