I think the problem exists for vector-valued problem.
I modified the vectorization length of step-37 and it works fine.
But for vector value problem, on line 6090 of 

   - val_in[comp] * weight * jac[comp][comp]

The jac is defined as const Tensor<2, dim, 
dealii::VectorizedArray<Number>>, which doesn't
match customized VectorizedArrayType.

Similar on line 6101

   - transpose(invert(inv_t_jac))

where inv_t_jac is also dealii::VectorizedArray<Number> type data.
在2023年2月23日星期四 UTC+8 18:43:07<yy.wayne> 写道:

> Thanks you Peter,
> The error message is quite long and tricky (beyond my terminal can show) 
> when I set
> VectorizedArray<double, width> with width=1.
> Knowing that deal.II do support this function is great. I‘ll try debug the 
> code first and came back with
> further progress or questions :)
> Best,
> Wayne
> 在2023年2月23日星期四 UTC+8 16:00:43<peterr...@gmail.com> 写道:
>> Hi Wayne,
>> What is you error message?
>> > I replace all FEEvaluation, MatrixFree and VectorizedArray construction 
>> with a VectorizedArray<number, width>, but make returns some intricate 
>> error. Is specify vectorization length possible? I think I've seen one in 
>> dealii/test ...
>> Yes, it is possible and the to specify the additional template argument 
>> is the right approach.
>> I have introduced this template parameter for the hyper.deal project: 
>> https://github.com/hyperdeal/hyperdeal, where we create a tensor product 
>> of MatrixFree instances (where one is vectorized and the other is not).
>> Take a look at the test: 
>> https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/3b785178375a8ea233fada96cf987aed6d53583e/tests/matrix_free/ecl.h#L52
>> The important aspect is that the vector length has to match the ones 
>> supported by given ISA. See table 1 in the release paper of deal.II 9.2: 
>> https://dealii.org/deal92-preprint.pdf
>> Peter
>> On Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 7:09:07 AM UTC+1 yy.wayne wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> is it possible to specify vectorization length(<deafult)? 
>>> I'm running same code on local computer and server, whose cpu supports 
>>> SSE2+4.10GHz
>>> and AVX512+2.60GHz respectively. The speed up for iteration time is only 
>>> 2 on server, which should be 8*2.6 / 2*4.1 > 2.5 times. Therefore I'd like 
>>> to run code with different
>>> vectorization length on same computer to test Vectorization's power.
>>> I replace all FEEvaluation, MatrixFree and VectorizedArray construction 
>>> with a VectorizedArray<number, width>, but make returns some intricate 
>>> error. Is specify vectorization length possible? I think I've seen one in 
>>> dealii/test ...

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