I followed the first solution in dealii and hdf5 compile problem 
(google.com) <https://groups.google.com/g/dealii/c/nodblNqEjd4> and deal.II 
codes compiled successfully. I've run several tests in parallel and seems 
no error.

For someone may have similar problem, these are what I've done:

   1. Install all deal.II dependencies with spack
   2. Build dealii from source rather in spack. The second line in 
   spack-build-out(you generate this file if building deal.II with spack 
   onece) is what spack's cmake configuration for deal.II. I disabled '-G 
   Ninja' cmake and set 'KOKKOS_DIR=/path/to/spack/kokkos' explicitly in cmake 
   3. Follow  dealii and hdf5 compile problem (google.com) 
   <https://groups.google.com/g/dealii/c/nodblNqEjd4> to comment some lines 
   in  configure_50_hdf5.cmake

在2023年2月22日星期三 UTC+8 23:32:11<yy.wayne> 写道:

> Hi,
> Thank for your response. I set -DKOKKOS_DIR for cmake and now "make tests" 
> is good.
> I'll see the discussion in  dealii and hdf5 compile problem (google.com) 
> <https://groups.google.com/g/dealii/c/nodblNqEjd4>.
> 在2023年2月22日星期三 UTC+8 21:55:50<bruno.t...@gmail.com> 写道:
>> Hi,
>> Don't set any variable when using spack. Please post the exact spack 
>> command you are using to install deal.II with spack. In general, you want 
>> to let spack picks the dependencies for you. I would also advise that you 
>> restart from a clean state and remove the configuration files created by 
>> spack.
>> Best,
>> Bruno
>> On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 7:53:24 AM UTC-5 marco....@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Wayne,
>>> CGAL requires C++17, hence you should add a proper compiler flag (
>>> https://github.com/dealii/dealii/wiki/deal.II-in-Spack#compiler-flags) 
>>> if you want to have it.
>>> Adding *cppflags="-std=c++17"* should fix that. 
>>> For what concerns your last message, here's a related discussion: 
>>> https://groups.google.com/g/dealii/c/nodblNqEjd4
>>> Best,
>>> Marco
>>> Il giorno mercoledì 22 febbraio 2023 alle 13:36:12 UTC+1 yy.wayne ha 
>>> scritto:
>>>> Since spack is calling error, I install directly with the depending 
>>>> libraries installed by spack.
>>>> Deal.II cmake and 'make install' successfully. But shows error when 
>>>> 'make test':
>>>> ...
>>>> An error occurred in line <170> of file 
>>>> </tmp/wyy/spack-stage/spack-stage-dealii-9.4.0-nu4ocb323sfl4apazi7ckpwirpheveen/spack-src/source/lac/sparsity_tools.cc>
>>>> in function
>>>> void dealii::SparsityTools::{anonymous}::partition_metis(const 
>>>> dealii::SparsityPattern&, const std::vector<unsigned int>&, unsigned int, 
>>>> std::vector<unsigned int>&)
>>>> The violated condition was:
>>>> ierr == 1
>>>> Additional information: 
>>>> An error with error number -3 occurred while calling a METIS function
>>>> ...
>>>> The METIS_DIR was set to metis-5.1.0. I changed METIS_DIR to parmetis, 
>>>> but the error remains.
>>>> Besides, I fail to build step1 after this fault installation. cmake 
>>>> passed but make gives following error:
>>>> [image: Snipaste_2023-02-22_20-36-58.png]
>>>> 在2023年2月22日星期三 UTC+8 15:16:40<yy.wayne> 写道:
>>>>> The spacl-build-out.txt with middle content deleted. The original file 
>>>>> was too big.
>>>>> 在2023年2月22日星期三 UTC+8 15:12:25<yy.wayne> 写道:
>>>>>> I set variant "~arborx". There's only ninja warning but installation 
>>>>>> exit with ERROR. However in spack-build-out.txt every libraries seem 
>>>>>> connected successfully. Why ninja return an ERROR?

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