Dear dealii community,

I am trying to use "DoFTools::map_dofs_to_support_points" function for a 
two-field problem. The components of the first (vectorial) field are 
approximated using "FE_Q" and the second (scalar) field with 
"FE_DGPMonomial". The "component_mask" parameter is used to select only the 
dofs associated with the first field.

However I get the following error message (debug mode):

*    void dealii::DoFTools::internal::(anonymous 
namespace)::map_dofs_to_support_points(const hp::MappingCollection<dim, 
spacedim> &, const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &, 
std::map<types::global_dof_index, Point<spacedim>> &, const 
dealii::ComponentMask &) [dim = 2, spacedim = 2]*

*The violated condition was: *

*    (fe_collection[fe_index].n_dofs_per_cell() == 0) || 

*Additional information: *

*    You are trying to access the support points of a finite element that*

*    either has no support points at all, or for which the corresponding*

*    tables have not been implemented.*

>From inspecting the method responsible for throwing the error is appears 
that all fields in the collection are checked via the Assert. Is the method 
applicable to problems where some fields have support points and others 
don't but are masked? The mask appears to only be appropriate to mask 
fields with support points.

Please find attached a minimal code for a two-field formulation that 
demonstrates the problem.

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