Hi Simon,

Correct - we don't have a way to shift support points like that on one 
particular element.

Another possibility would be to add a constraint (i.e., with AffineConstraints) 
enforcing that the FE solution sums to zero at that point. You would have to do 
some work to find the cell on which the point is and evaluate the shape 
functions at that point but it would work for any order of element and any 
point location.

From: dealii@googlegroups.com <dealii@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Simon 
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2023 5:05 AM
To: deal.II User Group <dealii@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [deal.II] possible to shift a support point (no vertex) of a 

Dear all,

I am approximating a scalar function F of one single argument by discretizing 
the argument over the interval [lb;ub].
Then, I interpolate the nodal values utilizing VectorTools::interpolate.
To generate the triangulation (a line), I call
GridGenerator::hyber_cube(triangulation, lb, ub) and refine globally up to a 
desired level.
Either FE_Q(1) or FE_Q(2) elements are used.

The issue is that there is one 'point' p in [lb;ub] for which the function must 
be Zero.
In case of FE_Q(1) elements, I simply shifted the vertex which is closest to p, 
to p.
For FE_Q(2) elements, the closest point to p is a vertex *or* the support point 
in the center of the element.
I think it is not possible to 'shift' a support point as the triangulation is 
made up of vertices only, right?


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