I already solved the stokes equation and was trying to generalize it to 
solve the steady NS equation.

I saw the step-57 tutorial but I have a mesh from file (while the tutorial 
create in dealii and refine, things that I'm not allowed to do) and also 
uses line search algorithm, which also can't perform.

The general structure of the program is: setup vectors, sparsity and 
matrices (pressure and  velocity), newton iteration where first solve the 
stokes problem to get the initial guess for newton (Re will always be < 200 
in my test case, for now), and the start to iterate, at each iteration:
- assemble the system
- solve the linearized system

I know the stokes solution is correct. But for the NS solution I have the 
residual decreasing at first 2 steps and then increasing, leading to 
divergence (around step 16 dealii fires the no convergence). The assembly 
is the same as the tutorial at step-57.

It's becoming really frustrating, so if anyone can help I really 
appreciate. I give you the code in case my explanation wasn't clear.


PS: the mesh is fine since already used for previous problems.

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