Following is my H_plus function:

float PhaseField::H_plus(Vector<double> solution_elastic
        , const auto cell,const unsigned int q_point)
    QGauss<2> quadrature_formula_damage( + 1);

    FEValues<2> fe_values_damage(fe_damage,
            update_gradients |
            update_quadrature_points );


    int node = 0;

/* Initialising all strains as zero */
    float e_xx = 0.000;
    float e_yy = 0.000;
    float e_xy = 0.000;

/*calculating strains*/
    for (const auto vertex : cell->vertex_indices())
        int a = (cell->vertex_dof_index(vertex, 0));
        e_xx = e_xx + 
solution_elastic[a*2]*fe_values_damage.shape_grad(node, q_point)[0];
        e_yy = e_yy + 
solution_elastic[a*2+1]*fe_values_damage.shape_grad(node, q_point)[1];
        e_xy = e_xy 
+0.5*(solution_elastic[a*2]*fe_values_damage.shape_grad(node, q_point)[1]
        node = node +1;

    const auto &x_q = fe_values_damage.quadrature_point(q_point);
    float H_plus_val;

/*This is the actual quantity I want to evaluate for each quadrature point*/
    H_plus_val = 0.5*lambda(x_q)*(pow((e_xx+e_yy),2))
mu(x_q)*((pow(e_xx,2))+2*(pow(e_xy,2)) + (pow(e_yy,2)));

    return H_plus_val;

H_plus function is called in assemble_damage for each quadrature point

I am also attaching some lines of code from assemble_damage where H_plus is 
being called

for (const auto &cell : dof_handler_damage.active_cell_iterators())

    cell_matrix_damage = 0;
    cell_rhs_damage    = 0;

    float gc = 0.000027; //energy release rate
    float l = 0.015;
    float H;

    for (const unsigned int q_index : 
    {    float H_call = H_plus(solution_elastic,cell,q_index);

    if (H_call > H_vector[4*cell_number + q_index])
        H = H_call;
        H = H_vector[4*cell_number + q_index];
    H_vector_new[4*cell_number + q_index] = H;
    for (const unsigned int i : fe_values_damage.dof_indices())

        for (const unsigned int j : fe_values_damage.dof_indices())

            const auto &x_q = fe_values_damage.quadrature_point(q_index);

            cell_matrix_damage(i, j) +=
                    // contribution to stiffness from -laplace u term
q_index) * // kappa*grad phi_i(x_q)
                    fe_values_damage.shape_grad(j, q_index) * // grad 
                    fe_values_damage.JxW(q_index)    // dx
                    // Contribution to stiffness from u term

((1+(2*l*H)/gc)*(1/pow(l,2))*fe_values_damage.shape_value(i, q_index) *   
 // phi_i(x_q)
                            fe_values_damage.shape_value(j, q_index) * // 
                            fe_values_damage.JxW(q_index));             // 

        cell_rhs_damage(i) += (fe_values_damage.shape_value(i, q_index) * 
// phi_i(x_q)
                (2/(l*gc))* H*
                fe_values_damage.JxW(q_index));            // dx

    /*Adding the local k and local f to global k and global f*/
    for (const unsigned int i : fe_values_damage.dof_indices())
        for (const unsigned int j : fe_values_damage.dof_indices())
                    cell_matrix_damage(i, j));

        system_rhs_damage(local_dof_indices[i]) += cell_rhs_damage(i);
    cell_number = cell_number + 1;


Thanks and regards

On Saturday, January 7, 2023 at 11:59:49 PM UTC+5:30 

> There might be many things that can be done to improve the speed of this 
> function. You can ask yourselve the following question as guidance:
> - Does the function allocate memory?
> - Could it be inlined?
> - Are you calling the function inside the DOF loops or inside the 
> quadrature loop?
> Then I would time the function to measure if this is actually the real 
> culprit or if it could be something else.
> If you copy/paste the content of your assembly code and the function, I 
> would be glad to give it a look (and I am sure others here will help you 
> too).
> On Saturday, January 7, 2023 at 12:02:13 a.m. UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> Sorry for the confusion. I think I made a mistake while writing the first 
>> email.
>> H_plus is being called in Assemble_damage and not assemble_elastic. It 
>> uses elastic solution, cell and gauss point to evaluate strain at a gauss 
>> point. Then some quantity is evaluated based on the strain.
>> Similarly I have another function damage_gauss which is being called in 
>> assemble_elastic that evaluates damage at a gauss point using the damage 
>> solution, cell and gauss point.
>> Wasim Niyaz
>> Research scholar
>> CE Dept.
>> On Sat, 7 Jan, 2023, 10:15 am Wasim Niyaz Munshi ce21d400, <
>>> wrote:
>>> I use it to evaluate strain at Gauss points. Then, i evaluate some 
>>> quantity which is a function of this strain.
>>> Wasim Niyaz
>>> Research scholar
>>> CE Dept.
>>> IITM
>>> On Sat, 7 Jan, 2023, 3:09 am Wolfgang Bangerth, <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 1/6/23 13:53, Wasim Niyaz Munshi ce21d400 wrote:
>>>> > I am using 65536 elements. For step-8 the assembly takes very less 
>>>> time 
>>>> > (around 0.15second) while for my assemble_elastic, it takes around 5 
>>>> seconds. 
>>>> > The only difference between my assemble_elastic function and the 
>>>> assemble 
>>>> > function of step-8 is that for each Gauss point, I additionally  call 
>>>> a 
>>>> > function(H_plus) that takes the laplace solution, the current cell 
>>>> and Gauss 
>>>> > point as input and evaluates some quantity using this information.
>>>> > The H_plus function is called 4*65536 times but the function is very 
>>>> simple.
>>>> > My doubt is whether such a huge increase in cost (from 0.15 sec to 5 
>>>> sec) is 
>>>> > expected for this problem or is there something that I am doing that 
>>>> is 
>>>> > increasing the cost so much.
>>>> Wasim, the question is what you do with "the laplace solution, the 
>>>> current 
>>>> cell and Gauss point". If you show us what H_plus does, we may be able 
>>>> to advise.
>>>> Best
>>>>   W.
>>>> -- 
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       
>>>>                             www: 
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