Thank you, Prof Bangerth

I understood that dealii software uses the weak form to solve any kind of
But my question is that in step 8 the weak form for elasticity is for a
general case or it is specifically for the plane strain case?
Thanks & Regards

On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 10:46 AM Wolfgang Bangerth <>

> On 11/20/22 07:20, Deepika Kushwah wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to solve elasticity problem refereeing step 8 and have got
> solution
> > for plane strain problem. Now I wish to solve the problem with plane
> stress
> > condition for which matrix D (constitutive matrix) is to be modified to
> get
> > stiffness (K = B^T*D*B).
> > Not clear where it has been defined in the code and how it can be
> modified.
> Deepika:
> assemble_system() is always the function where the system matrix is built.
> We
> do not generally assemble systems via B^T*D*B, however, but rather based
> on
> the weak formulation of the equation -- that is, the bilinear form that
> corresponds to the equation you want to solve.
> A good first step would be to understand what equation step-8 solves, and
> how
> that corresponds to what that program's assemble_system() does. Then
> you'll
> have to identify what the bilinear form is for the equation you care
> about.
> The final step is to translate that in the same way as what the program
> currently does.
> Best
>   W.
> --
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