On 10/10/22 07:42, Wasim Niyaz Munshi ce21d400 wrote:
I am trying to solve the elasticity equation on a square domain (similar to step 8).
For the patch test I am using just one element.
I am having problems with the application of boundary conditions.
I want to fix the lower left node in both x and y, and also fix the lower right node in y.
The lower right node is free to move in x.
The problem I am facing is that both these nodes are on the same face, and I do not know how to specify different values of x displacement for the 2 nodes of the same face.

Is there a way to set boundary id to a node rather than to a face?

No -- principally because from a mathematical perspective, you can only set boundary indicators on parts of the boundary that have (d-1) dimensional measure larger than zero. Vertices do not satisfy this.

But it is a common thing to do anyway. You might want to look at the step-79 that does something similar.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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