
Thank you Bruno for your help I have resolved the issue, it turns out I had 
many problems throughout the installations with my directories. 
I reinstalled and reconfigured everything and it has now worked smoothly. 
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 3:11:46 PM UTC+2 bruno.t...@gmail.com 

> Felix,
> You need to use the path where you have installed the library. It looks 
> like you have compiled the library but not installed it. The PYTHONPATH you 
> want to use is /home/felixelf/Deal.II/build/python3.10/site-packages (I 
> don't remember if site-packages should be in the path or not)
> Best,
> Bruno
> Le mar. 13 sept. 2022 à 06:59, Felix Felix <felix...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi Bruno, 
>> thanks for the reply I have done what you told me to but I am now still 
>> unable to import PyDealII.Debug 
>> as you've seen below I have added the pydealii directory to the path as 
>> well.
>> [image: Screenshot from 2022-09-13 12-53-07.png]
>> is there anything that I may lack. 
>> I have re-compiled and re-installed the library too so I'm not very sure 
>> where my mistake lies.
>> Cheers, 
>> Felix 
>> On Friday, September 2, 2022 at 8:15:24 PM UTC+2 bruno.t...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Felix,
>>> First, you need to configure deal.II using 
>>> -DDEAL_II_COMPONENT_PYTHON_BINDINGS=ON. Then you need to re-compile and 
>>> re-install the library. Now the wrappers are built but you still need to 
>>> tell python where to find them. You can do that by setting the PYTHONPATH 
>>> to the directory where pydealii is located. Now you should be able to call `
>>> import PyDealII.Debug` from python.
>>> Best,
>>> Bruno
>>> On Friday, September 2, 2022 at 1:15:52 PM UTC-4 felix...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Deal all, 
>>>> could someone teach me on how do I use the python binding. It says that 
>>>> I should import the package from the tutorial 1 file. But I don't 
>>>> understand how to do it. Could someone here be kind enough to teach me or 
>>>> tell me the steps? 
>>>> Best regards, 
>>>> Felix
>>> -- 
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