
Step-44 has a lot going on and really sets you up to tackle a variety of 
real world problems. There is a significant jump in complexity between this 
tutorial and steps 8,17 & 18. 

I have been reading the references and I am about there but need few 
clarifications for why things are the way they are. 

Any assistance would be much appreciated...

My first question deals with the statement "The Euler-Lagrange equations 
corresponding to the residual"

Directly above this sentence is the residual, whose derivation I 
understand. Where I am lost is that s tact on to equations. I have only one 
residual equation. I cannot bridge that disconnect. 

My other question has to deal with the solving procedure for K (see snippet 
[image: Ksolve.png]

I am completely lost here. What is the significance of p and J not having 
derivatives on them that makes it "easy" to solve for those terms in 
isolation? I am also confused how K_pJ, K_Jp and K_JJ  form a block 
diagonal matrix. I could get there if I ignore the top row but then the 
equations below do not make sense I think. Some detail on this part of the 
process would be great. 

Thanks in advance, 


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