I guess for your purpose, `VectorTools::point_values()` and 
`VectorTools::point_gradients()` are more useful and it works in parallel. 
If the location of the points do not change, they are cached in 

> If I am not refining the mesh, is there a more efficient why of 
accomplishing this? I assume by storing the specific cell that loc is in? 

Indeed, this is happening internally in RemotePointEvaluation. It stores 
the cell and the reference positions. In a second step the actual 
evaluation is done efficiently by FEPointEvaluation. If the interface is 
too high level for your purposes, you can take a look at the 
implementations of the setup routines, which uses 

Hope this helps,

On Thursday, 28 July 2022 at 22:15:43 UTC+2 andre...@gmail.com wrote:

> I currently have the solution to a PDE stored in a Vector<double> solution. 
> I need to compute the solution at some Point<2> loc. I accomplish this 
> using the function 
> VectorTools::point_value(dof_handler, solution, loc, val);
> which fills val with the value I care about. Similarly, I get the 
> gradient with point_gradient. 
> This accomplishes what I need but if I have a lot of points like loc and 
> have to do this every timestep then it quickly becomes a computational 
> bottleneck. 
> If I am not refining the mesh, is there a more efficient why of 
> accomplishing this? I assume by storing the specific cell that loc is in? 

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