Hi folks,

I suspect this is a simple task, but I can't find anything which does it 
outright. I'd like to find the local minima associated with some quantity 
derived from a finite element field. The features that I'm looking at are 
reasonably well-behaved, in that they're smooth except exactly at the 
minimum (where they're continuous but not differentiable), and of 
predictable size. 

For a uniform mesh I think a reasonable (naive) approach would be to 
calculate the derived quantity at the quadrature points of each cell, then 
go through each cell and check using the CellAccessor::neighbor() function 
(possibly in a recursive manner, until we reach some distance \delta x from 
the original cell) whether that cell contains the minimum of all its 
neighbors (or neighbors-of-neighbors or whatever). However, for an 
adaptively refined mesh, the cell returned by neighbor() might be further 
refined, in which case some of the child-cells border the original cell, 
and some do not. One related question is: how do I access just those child 
cells which border the original cell? What if those child cells also have 
children? And are there other complications of this sort which might arise 
from trying to iterate through neighbors of different refinement?

As an additional complication, I'd like to be able to do this process on 
distributed meshes, and I suspect that the features may be cut up by the 
mesh partition given that there is a lot of refinement happening in those 
regions. Is there any way I can easily do some kind of point-to-point 
communications to check whether the local minimum has been split along a 
mesh partition? 

This seems like the kind of thing that is common enough to have already 
been implemented, probably in a more sophisticated way, but I'm not sure 
where to look. Any help is appreciated!

- Lucas

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