Hi Rose,

the assert was definitely not positioned at the right place and checked on 
every face - even on non-active ones. I have moved it in the 
PR https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/14091. Now this assert is not 

Generally, I am wondering if hp and PBC is working. At least, I cannot find 
a test in the hp test folder. Such a test should have triggered the assert.

Hope the patch works!


On Monday, 4 July 2022 at 18:09:41 UTC+2 jose.a...@gmail.com wrote:

> Dear dealii community,
> I am still trying to decipher what causes the error. It occurs in the 
> first assert of make_periodicity_constraints 
> <https://www.dealii.org/9.3.3/doxygen/deal.II/dof__tools__constraints_8cc_source.html#l02288>
> :
> AssertDimension(
> face_1->get_fe(face_1->nth_active_fe_index(0)).n_unique_faces(), 1);
> So I created vectors to store the active_fe_index and the 
> nth_active_fe_index(0), replicated the fe_index_is_active assert and the 
> get_fe() call:
> active_fe_index.reinit(triangulation.n_active_cells());
> nth_active_fe_index.reinit(triangulation.n_active_cells());
> active_fe_index = -1.0;
> nth_active_fe_index = -1.0;
> for (const auto &cell :
> dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
> if (cell->is_locally_owned())
> {
> active_fe_index(cell->active_cell_index()) = cell->active_fe_index();
> if (cell->at_boundary())
> for (const auto &face_id : cell->face_indices())
> if (cell->face(face_id)->at_boundary())
> {
> AssertThrow(cell->face(face_id)->get_active_fe_indices().size() == 1, 
> dealii::ExcMessage("Error!"));
> nth_active_fe_index(cell->active_cell_index()) = cell->face(face_id)->
> nth_active_fe_index(0);
> AssertThrow(cell->face(face_id)->fe_index_is_active(cell->face(face_id)->
> nth_active_fe_index(0)), dealii::ExcMessage("Error!"));
> cell->face(face_id)->get_fe(cell->face(face_id)->nth_active_fe_index(0));
> }
> }
> I don't get any error from this loop and the from the visual inspection of 
> .vtu file containing both vectors one can see that they indeed coincide. 
> Maybe the problem is coming from GridTools::collect_periodic_faces as the 
> face iterators are created by it?
> Furthermore I also noticed that if no global refinement is performed the 
> executable runs without error in serial but still gets the error in 
> parallel.
> Attached is the updated MWE. A true/false argument can be passed to the 
> executable to perform one global refinement or not.
> Cheers,
> Jose
> On Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 4:45:04 PM UTC+2 jose.a...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Dear dealii community,
>> I am working on a gradient enhanced crystal plasticity code where the 
>> displacement field is continuous but the slip fields can be discontinuous. 
>> To this end, I am using a hp::FECollection<dim>. For example, in the 
>> case of two crystals with one slip system I have a hp::FECollection<2> 
>> with
>> fe_collection[0] = [FE_Q<2> FE_Q<2> FE_Q<2>  FE_Nothing<2>]
>> fe_collection[1] = [FE_Q<2> FE_Q<2> FE_Nothing<2> FE_Q<2> ]
>> where the first two FE_Q<2> correspond to the displacement field in 2D 
>> and the latter to the slip field.
>> My reference problem consist of the unit square under simple shear with 
>> periodic boundary conditions on the x-direction. When I call the 
>> DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints<dim, 
>> dim> method, I am getting the following error when I have subdomains 
>> with different values of fe_index
>> An error occurred in line <1690> of file 
>> </calculate/temp/iwtm009/spack-stage-dealii-9.3.3-h7vrbckbqhxjllhyiwpmxjdp3242wjvv/spack-src/include/deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.templates.h>
>> in function
>>     const dealii::FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>& 
>> dealii::DoFAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim, lda>::get_fe(unsigned int) 
>> const [with int structdim = 1; int dim = 2; int spacedim = 2; bool 
>> level_dof_access = false]
>> The violated condition was: 
>>     fe_index_is_active(fe_index) == true
>> Additional information: 
>>     This function can only be called for active FE indices
>> I wrote a minimum working example based on my code to showcase the error, 
>> which I have attached to this post. The executable takes a true or false 
>> argument to assign different material identifiers to different subdomains 
>> or not. If there are no subdomains and therefore, and more importantly, the 
>> size of the hp::FECollection<dim> is 1, the code runs with no problem.
>> My question is if my algorithm is wrong or does the method 
>> DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints<dim, 
>> dim> does not currently support hp::FECollection<dim> with sizes bigger 
>> than one.
>> Cheers,
>> Jose

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